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New stuff coming to the SSsoapshop
Jan 24, 2008 by AnthoFlex

Aside from the size 13 express, I was thinking and thinking today as i hit up a spot that I haven't hit since the first time i soaped. It was this handrail that I wasn't able to hit when i first started soaping. 2 years later, I went back to it, cleared it 2nd try. Sessioned on it for about half an hour. Royales, A BS Farf, even a clean FS Backslide.

As i left the park...i looked back at the rail...which seemed to resemble that rail on "The Scene" icon on the GRINDING section of the shop.....I gotta go back there more...

What exactly am I saying? I'm bringing you guys a brand new feature on the shop. I'm hoping it will bring the same feeling i had today to you guys.

The new feature I'm working on will help you keep track of your local soap spots. The spots will be listed, and shown online for all to see.

The new feature doesn't have a name yet. I'm still working on a good layout for it.

Rest assured people, you will not be disappointed...So stay tuned.

I'll be releasing a personal newsletter myself when this new feature is released. So if you havent done so, sign up for the SS Newsletter:


Jan 24, 2008Megashadow77

Will we be able to show pics of the spot?

Jan 24, 2008AnthoFlex


Jan 24, 2008Megashadow77

Sweet! I'll get some pics of the handrail we always soap at the next time we session.

Jan 25, 2008AnthoFlex

OH also, when you guys send in the pics and info, please let the pictures link from a photobucket, imageshack, or some other hosting service. I don't want to overflood our server with a bunch of pictures that arent going to be used for shop use.

But send in your spots. Be sure to Include:

- The state/province the spot is in
- Name given to the spot ex: "Downtown Double Kink"
- Where It's located (Complete Address If possible)
- Brief description on what's there to grind
- 1- 5 good pictures of the spot (If you have any)

Send all submissions to AnthoFlex@yahoo.com with the subject as "Soap spot submission" or something similar

Jan 25, 2008AnthoFlex

I'm already done with it. I just need to give it a name, and update it with a few good spots, and i'll upload it
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