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Soap Shoes for sale Sizes 10, 12, 11, 13
Feb 10, 2010 by sylonbroadsides

K guys I'm going to sell a few pair of soap shoes. If no one buys them off here, I will throw them all out.


Size 10 Navy blue scabs


Gunmetal Sylons Size 10

Black Cleans size 13 (no insoles)

Black Flows size 12

Grey Flows size 11

Navy Blue scabs size 10

Size 10 Heelys Mack

Feb 10, 2010Brad

Flows pl0x. If you could email me a price and a pic id be happy. :)

Feb 11, 2010Timuukun



...But seriously...I'd be game for...like...2/3 pair. Can I email you and let's discuss prices?

Feb 11, 2010Ironbug

As expected, feel free to message/email, I'd LOVE to know prices.

Feb 12, 2010Timuukun

...anything happening with this? I'm so excited when I think about the possibility of getting a pair of these shoes that I can barely sit still!

Feb 12, 2010Brad

I'm still trying to decide between Expresses and those Flows. I never thought I'd have this many options o-o

Feb 12, 2010sylonbroadsides

Post your email Ironbug and Timuukun and I'll email you pictures.

Brad and Tim, I am replying to your emails with descriptions and pictures. Just give me a little time, I'm a little busy.

P.S. I'm looking for my used size 10 scabs for those who want pictures of them. I found my brand new size 10 scabs.

Feb 16, 2010Ironbug

My Bro is size 10UK LOVE to get him a pair, Im size 8UK ...
Email is TheGreatIronbug@Yahoo.Co.Uk

Feb 16, 2010Brad

Hey Travis, you still got thise cleans or 12 flows?

Feb 17, 2010JoeS

Would love to buy those new scabs if you still got'em

Feb 17, 2010blakeashake

how much are you trying to sell them for?

Feb 17, 2010blakeashake

Email me pictures of the flows please dude

Feb 17, 2010sylonbroadsides

All of your emails have been replied to.

Feb 17, 2010Andrew

both size 10 photos please.

Feb 20, 2010sylonbroadsides

I replied to all of your emails, I will ship to canada or the united kingdom.

Thanks for your time guys.

Blakeshake I have not gotten an email back from you yet.

Feb 21, 2010Brad


Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

Andrew I'm waiting for a reply from you.

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

alright, looks like I'm going to have to throw out all this stuff Monday.

Feb 21, 2010Brad

For the love of god! Don't do it!

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

what it seems like no one wants them and people would like broken broads instead lol

Feb 21, 2010Brad

Ok well, um, you can throw every thing away accept for the cleans. Save those for me when I get more money ;)

Feb 21, 2010sylonbroadsides

haha sure dude

Feb 24, 2010Revengasaur

You didn't toss these did you? I'd take the 11's.

Feb 26, 2010Andrew

i'm waiting for you to reply

Feb 26, 2010sylonbroadsides

Revengasaur give me your email.

Andrew I can't ship to the UK for 10 my apologies.

I can't save them guys, I'm running low so they really need to go. My apologies.

Feb 26, 2010Andrew

i live in canada

Mar 11, 2010Tedd

Still selling those shoes? Email is sonny dot canasa at gmail dot com. Damn spam bots took over this forum, don't need them taking over my email too.

Mar 20, 2010Tedd

Bump! I will gladly buy any pair of shoes you are going to throw out.

Mar 20, 2010sylonbroadsides

I need to update the list.

Mar 30, 2010Tedd

That would be lovely. Think you can just put it on here?

Apr 22, 2010skikid

do u have any shoes for sale anymore in size 10

Apr 22, 2010sylonbroadsides


Apr 23, 2010skikid

do u have any cleans and do u have any size nines any style

Apr 23, 2010sylonbroadsides

I have a pair of size 10 graphite cleans

Apr 25, 2010Brad


May 1, 2010Tedd

Hmm.. Any shoes in 12's? Preferably with removable plates. And if you have any extra plates, I'd like to buy those too. Hopefully Curb Busters and BBK's.

May 1, 2010Brad

I may or may not be interested in the black cleans at a later date. I hove no money coming my way in the foreseeable future.

May 4, 2010bighitryda

Do you still have the clean's in a 13 or any other size 13? Email me at bighitryda@yahoo.com

May 4, 2010Kooksoaper13

he has some sylons, and turntables in a 13 too

Jun 11, 2010jfuya2000

Can you show me pics of your size 10's please? Preferably your least used ones =) Thx.

Jul 7, 2010vansci123

MBT Shoes are physiological footwear.Here You can enjoy Mbt Sale 55% OFF on any item with Free Shipping, No Tax, US/UK Delivery.MBT have a positive effect. www.inikeairjordan.com

Jul 8, 2010Brad

I really wish one of us had mod status. This place may be empty, but there's still people here damnit!

Jul 8, 2010BuySoaps

are these guys serious?
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