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May 14, 2000 by broox

Hey, sorry that I haven't really been putting much up on the site. Things have been really hectic since school is winding down. packing, studying, getting jobs, looking for a car, etc. I'm also kinda stuck between domains and servers, so things are kinda suckin on the webpage. Things will be looking better soon. I promise. O.K. The last new shoe is the Broadside. A lot of you have seen pictures of the broadsides, but I have the blue pair now and there are more pictures. The broadsides have the slipknot grinplate which allows you to do sole grinds. Check them out and tell me what you think... if you have any questions let me know.
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Sequence of Bryndon sliding a huge kink.
Dunk hittin a Unity during the UKFSW Trip to Leicester, July '04
Mark hittin a frontside at work
Strider Patton hittin a Fastslide
Wyatt Peterson hitting a fastslide on the practice rail