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2003 Soap Team Expanded
Jul 15, 2003 by alexei

Soap has announced two more sponsored soapers on the team site, an Oliver Read and Chris Komsthoeft of the Myth Soap Team out of Olathe, KS (a suburb of Kansas City). While ofcourse I want to congradulate these guys, I would really like to know who they are first!

alexei adds: -props to soapshoes.info for spotting this first - I was too busy working at my job you punks!

Jul 15, 2003 aaron

i think a more needed article is '2002 Soap Team EXPLAINED'... personally Alexei I'm not a big fan of the way you soap, but i do however think you deserve to be on the team, you've put lots of effort into the community, plus there needs to be different styles of soaping so people get a broader range of the scene... basically the only people who I see that deserve to be on the team are you and Derek... the rest are crap

Jul 15, 2003 derek

aaron is the best soaper i know. he can hit any handrail that you tell him to on the first try. jordan and zach are awesome too...

Jul 15, 2003 zeek309

thanks ... i'm glad you think that i am crap!

Jul 16, 2003 Mart

See, the difference between these guys and you is that they've actually improved over the years. It's taken you three years to grind a fucking handrail man, that's pathetic

Jul 16, 2003 aaron

if SOAP is still looking at old soap sponsored people... then wheres my Broadsides! They said they were gonna send me broadsides in the mail but guess what!? No broadsides because they went out of business. Boo urns

Jul 16, 2003 Wesker

It hasnt taken me 3 years to grind a handrail....It's taken me 3 years to get a handrail online :) The only Handrail grind I have had online for that long to proe that I could do handrails that long ago was the one I did in that old video of mine. Which was made up of old footage. Now, No more from you :P

Jul 16, 2003 aaron

you're welcome

Jul 16, 2003 aaron

see, the simple ability to a handrail on soap shoes isn't an overly dangerous feat in itself, unless it's a dropoff, extremely high, or other unusuality... thats why me and greg are always saying soapshoes have to go more tech (spins, switchups, etc.), simply because the option for 'stunt style' soaping just isn't available to a large degree, because you can't be doing grinds to 15 foot gaps, or anything like that which are done on rollerblades

Jul 16, 2003 zeek309

have you even seen any pics of me soaping on this website?

Jul 16, 2003 Mart

There's a LOT of media featuring Alexei, and a large amount of Derek too. Get some video fo, show us what you've got

Jul 16, 2003 Mart

This is why Joey Barbera needs to be back on the team, despite his complete lack of style

Jul 16, 2003 derek

i have some video of zach. i will get it on the site.

Jul 16, 2003 Greg

Yeah, unity on a curb. which is the feature pic right now. well, thats two badass curb photos from the soap team. I bet you guys get all the women.

Jul 16, 2003 derek

nah, i think the fact that we were in a girlie magazine as "hotties of the month" or whatever gets us the women, hahaha.

Jul 16, 2003 Wesker

I asked Soap about the new guys and they had this to say:

The new Soapers are Oliver and Chris. They send in a tape to the original Soap company and we got a hold of it. It was awesome! They had made it like 2 years ago. So now they a re older and still practicing even better. They are from Olathe,KS. I will more detailed later. I have quite a few e-mails to catch up on.

Not much more but thats all they said about it.

Jul 18, 2003 mike

Question, if they made this video 2 years ago how come it says they have been soaping for 1.5 years on the soap site?

Jul 18, 2003 Wesker

No clue, Thats just what Soap shoes told me.

Jul 21, 2003 Tanner

Meah, I have a feeling the Soap team will decrease over time.
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Drunk guy attracts a crowd of people.
Dario Nieva with a Mizuo.
Tal Zeltzer hittin a Grinding a tall handrail
Derek Brooks hittin a Alley-opp Mizuo
Dario Nieva hittin a Fastslide