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And Now For Something Completely Different
Aug 1, 2005 by Louis

AleX writes, "I dont know how many of you have seen this before, but its called skimboarding, and its a pretty sweet up and coming extreme type of sport. Check out this site: http://www.resilientskim.com/ for more info. They have some good pics and videos too"

I've been in Hawaii the last month or so, and bought myself a skimboard, and for anyone who ever has the chance, try it out, its fun as hell. I also met some guys from a (pro?) team of skimboarders about a week ago, they called themselves resilient skim. Thats their site listed above. Enjoy

Apr 2, 2007 SonicSoaper

I was this close to trying skimboarding but I never got a chance to do it.
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Trevor G hittin a Front Side
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