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Jan 30, 2001 by broox

Stewie writes "OK, so skool sucks bad, but skipping lessons to soap on some sweet rails dotted around the site is the reason why i go. Except for when the rail happens to be in full view of about 100 students and the nastiest teacher in our skool. Yet me and my friend still soap on it just waiting to get caught. The audience was actually quite pleasing. It took them(teachers) 20 minutes to come all the way down from the science block to shout at us and spend another 10 minutes looking at the floor outside their office. It wasn't too bad until the teacher whose lesson we missed found out and made us feel about 2ft tall! We were screwed good and proper yet soaps are still not banned and they called it "trying out skateboard tricks" Has anyone else had a bad skool experience recently??"

Mar 28, 2007 Surfaced

Just the other day I tried at a bike rack stationed at my school. It was a really fun and easy one too, because it was short; only about 2'9" tall. I took a quick look around before going at it, but immediately after I slid it, some teacher whose name I don't even know appeared out of nowhere and repremanded me. Fortunately it wasn't a detention or anything, but I could've sworn nobody was watching.

Mar 28, 2007 kobansora

Wow, this is old.

Well, the other day I grinded on a bench in front of two teachers and they were like THIS IS HIGHSCHOOL.

Sometime during this year I grinded on the bleachers and my teacher was like THAT'S COOL BUT YOU MIGHT DAMAGE THE BLEACHERS. Then I went outside to the rails and he's ilke YOU'LL BREAK YOUR NECK. He still doesn't care that I do it though :P

Then yesterday, I went on the same bench as mentioned above and when I jumped off, one teacher gave me this dirty look haha. Oh man that was scary, because she is one of those cool, yet bitchy-when-provoked teachers. Sassy as hell :O I did a royal on it though :P


Mar 28, 2007 matrix8967

haha, i was soaping a rail in the lobby of our auditorium after school with my friend when we where waiting on his g/f and I had to climb on the rail, and i was standing on it (not grinding yet) and I heard his voice on the cell phone turn the corner and i was like "fuck..." but i was like "meh, he's cool, he probably won't care..." and i heard him say "hang on, let me call you back...i've gotta see this..." (because he knew I had soaps, i've told him about them.) and I soaped the rail and was like "OH! HEY MR. SCOTT! didn't see you there!" and he was like "I'm glad to see your shoes work good...but don't do it here, go somewhere else, because if you bust it here, it's my responsibility..." and then I asked him if he wanted to try and he thought for a second...and was like "nah, not now"


Mar 28, 2007 RamenRadio

I almost got written up for soaping on a bench. But they tought i was skatboarding. I called them retarded for calling soaping skatboarding, and they said that I had a big attitude. Jesus, school sucks more than anything, and East Islip is the number one hell hole of them all. GET ME OUT

Mar 28, 2007 Mart

Ugh, kids. Everyone has an attitude these days

Mar 28, 2007 RamenRadio

Jesus christ, you sound like a teacher. Not here Mart

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

Well how do you expect them to know the difference?

Mar 28, 2007 RamenRadio

what are you talking about?

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

I'm talking about how are a bunch of old peopel going to know the difference between skateboard, a very popular sport, and Soaping, a well-known but not so well-known sport,?

Mar 28, 2007 RamenRadio

Well I'd expect them to know if I have a fucking skateboard under my feet or not.

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

Well apprent;y they didn't. End of discussion.

Mar 28, 2007 RamenRadio

Stop being so fucking hypocritical

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

How am I being a hypocrit?

Mar 28, 2007 RamenRadio

You always say shit like back up your stuff with evidence, and that's all you have to say to what I said. That was fucking stupid. Cut the shit AJ, seriously

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

Well maybe if you just chilled out on Soaping the same spot EVERY DAY where someone can recgonise you, they won't yell at you so much.

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

And as far as cut the shit goes, we should both cut the shit because all we're doing is having a huge as spamming flamewar that we'll both get in trouble for.

Mar 28, 2007 SonicSoaper

*huge ass
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