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Going Live
May 28, 2003 by derek

What's up everybody? Welcome to SolidGrind.com, the site that is taking over Broox Extreme. SolidGrind is much cooler for several reasons, but the most important is that it isn't my friggin last name.

You may notice a resemblance to the header of this site and the old version of soapshoes.com. This was completely intended; Soap is back, and I'm stressing my support.

Next you will notice that the feature pics are back, and will not break... ever. SolidGrind handles submitted pictures 50 times better than the old system. The first improvement is that you can submit them right here on the site; you don't have to email your pics anymore!

Another thing I want to say is that we are looking for new authors! A few of the broox.com authors will be sticking around, but we really need guys who will post good news for any one of the sections here. If you are interested, speak up!

And the last thing that needs said... I coded this entire site from scratch to fix our lame system from before. Hopefully this will prove to be less buggy. I have tested the site a ton, but I'm sure there still might be a bug somewhere. So if you find any bugs, please report them! There is a link at the bottom of each page to report bugs. Just click that, write a couple lines about the bug and I will fix it ASAP.

Alright, have a look around, register for an account, submit some pics, and tell me what you think of the new site!

May 28, 2003 Tanner

Badass, it's been looking good ever since you showed me just the header. Nice work!

May 28, 2003 GreenBeret

this site is badass.

May 28, 2003 ChompyTheGoat


May 28, 2003 dunk

Really nice. Just the vibe and appearance of this site makes me wanna contribute towards it... so I have.

May 28, 2003 Greg

I forgot my password, then I remember it again

May 28, 2003 Greg

I cant speak english

May 28, 2003 alexei

Another site change, another exciting time. God I feel old!

May 29, 2003 derek

sweet, and you sent some nice pics too!

May 29, 2003 mike

Kicks ass, forums look tons better too, but an edit function would be nice, still, kick ass site.

May 30, 2003 Luke

the new site rocks but the soap videos dont work

May 30, 2003 Fillo

good job br0, keep up the good work. the site looks great
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Tal Zeltzer hittin a Acid Soul
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