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Grails for the Holidays
Sep 12, 2006 by broox

Don't anyone start jumping up and down for a re-release of the Grails. This is about the re-release of a couple old videos on SolidGrind. The first is a Soap Shoes promo video from the Holidays of 2000. The second is a Heelys promo for the 2002 product line, which featured the Grails.

Check them out: Holiday and Heelys 2002 (Grail)

Sep 13, 2006 Wesker

Why jump up and down for the grails? Good to see a new SOAP video.

Sep 13, 2006 broox

i dunno. everyone just keeps talking about jumping up and down...

Oct 8, 2006 AnthoFlex

I woudnt jump up and down for the grails....yuck....

Oct 8, 2006 SonicSoaper

I agree with Antho. I took a good long look at the Grails and now I need to wash my eyes with industrial soap and a wire brush.

Oct 8, 2006 AnthoFlex

hehe, they're kiddie shoes, hahaha

Jan 28, 2008 spamincan

Grails suck
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