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Dec 6, 2001 by broox

skiboarder writes, "Has anyone tried Heelys? I am thinkin of getting em, but i have no idea what they're like to use, or how functional they actualy are. Any comments?"

broox adds: Yeah, I'd like to hear people's opinion on these too, I don't really hear much about them.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

Great shoes! very comfortable. All you soapers hate on it, and that is what I question, if you've ever tried heelys you might change your opinions. Similar to soaping but you can add an extra twist to the sport by rolling, rather it be into a grind, out of a grind, or involving it in the grind.

Mar 18, 2007 SonicSoaper

Yeah, my first SOAPS where Heelys Torch. There nice shoes but now that I have Expresses, I'd rather use those.

Mar 18, 2007 SonicSoaper

Because I'm a Soaper.

Mar 18, 2007 SonicSoaper

Besides, if I want to roll and grind, I'll get some aggresive inline skates.

Mar 18, 2007 heelyhailey

yeah, i understand, i just like the stealth of heelys and how you can wear them into malls unlike rollerblades
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