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Let's see your photos
Jul 3, 2007 by dunk

So lets see your photos, we're actively accepting submissions and I'll personally ensure that they get posted to Solid Grind assuming they're sick enough. So come on guys, show us your stuff.

To post a picture log into your account and click 'submit pics' from the left hand menu, your pictures need to be saved in JPG format and should be sick. Simple as that.

Jul 3, 2007 Slidey

Well I've submitted a lot of photos, Haven't got many pics left to submit lol. Good luck people! ;)

Jul 3, 2007 Megashadow77

People have submitted a lot of photos, but maybe this means more photos will be uploaded.

Jul 3, 2007 Megashadow77

and put on the site. XD

Jul 3, 2007 dunk

Slidey, I think I added one of your pics earlier tonight.
Unfortunately we lost all photos submitted after April 2 (see Derek's last post).

Jul 3, 2007 Megashadow77

I hope one of mine gets put up....

Jul 3, 2007 dunk

Megashadow77, there are no photos submitted under your name in the photo admin panel. You might wanna resubmit them.

Jul 3, 2007 Megashadow77

Okay, I sent in two of em.

Jul 4, 2007 Megashadow77

Did you get them in the photo admin panel?

Jul 4, 2007 Slidey

Yeah, I resubmitted about 6-7 pics of me and my mate soaping after I read Derek's last post, has the site failed to recieve them?

Jul 4, 2007 dunk

hmm... yeah, I think we still have a problem.

Jul 4, 2007 Megashadow77

Whaddya mean?

Jul 4, 2007 Megashadow77

Are they still not showing up?

Jul 4, 2007 Slidey

I'll resubmit them when I get home from work exp then. Hopefully this time It will work.

Jul 4, 2007 Megashadow77

I resumbitted them again.

Jul 4, 2007 AnthoFlex

Guys guys please. ONLY submit your best stuff, please

Jul 4, 2007 Megashadow77

I did....>>

Jul 4, 2007 Megashadow77

I wish dunk would log on for more than 20 seconds, to post more than once. >.

Jul 4, 2007 Slidey

lol Renny dw m8. The stuff I submitted (and will re-submit when I get home) was the best from the past 6 months or so, if I submitted every pic we take the mods would hate me for being so annoying haha

Jul 4, 2007 AnthoFlex


Jul 4, 2007 Slidey

It stands for Don't Worry

Jul 4, 2007 dunk

There's a problem, the pics seem to be getting lost in the ether. I wouldn't bother resubmitting anything until the problem is definitely fixed. Sorry.

Jul 4, 2007 Slidey

no problem ;)

Jul 6, 2007 broox

actually, the photos are and have been working fine since the last article i wrote stating that i fixed them.

when you submit a photo, it goes to the lead moderator (me) so that i can filter through all the b.s. that gets submitted (practice rails, spam photos, etc). then, once i see some that are decent, i approve them for the other moderators to see and post whenever they see fit.

p.s. i got your fruit submission, dunk. ;)

so keep submitting pics.

Jul 6, 2007 broox

and megashadow, you've submitted like 10 of the same photo of you doing that unbalanced frontside on the low handrail at your school. that won't make it get approved faster. it just makes me annoyed. ;)

my advice is that you go back to that rail and try for another more stylish pic.

Jul 6, 2007 AnthoFlex

i really need new media...

Jul 6, 2007 Megashadow77

Yeah, I thought it was pretty crappy. It was just all I had. XD.

And sorry for submitting it rapidly, Dunk said he wasn't getting it, so I kept trying, sorry, lol.

Jul 6, 2007 dunk

Ahh my bad.
Sorry to say my fruit didn't seem relevant enough for Derek to approve, you guys are missing out big time there ;)

Jul 6, 2007 Megashadow77

And it was really unbalanced...I was coming off.......

Jul 6, 2007 Megashadow77



Jul 6, 2007 broox

megashadow, no problem at all. just letting you know what's up. i'm sure you can get a better photo - i'll be waiting for it!

Jul 6, 2007 Megashadow77

Okay, thanks, I'm actually kind of glad this happened, cuz that photo is from, like, May. XD

Jul 7, 2007 Slidey

So have you still got a large waiting list of photos Derek?

Jul 26, 2007 Megashadow77

Me and my buddy sent in a pic each the other day at the same spot....I hope they ge ton.

Jul 26, 2007 Megashadow77

*get on

Aug 27, 2007 ItsMeee23

what do u click to actually get them

Aug 31, 2007 juno

I wanna sponser SOAP. But how?

Aug 31, 2007 greenfire8484

i dont think u can anymore

Sep 1, 2007 greenfire8484

can u?

Sep 1, 2007 juno

Well we can try. If all of us just, lets say wear and sport SOAP, thats what i like to call UNofficial sponsering. But who here is loyal to soap?

Sep 1, 2007 greenfire8484


Sep 1, 2007 greenfire8484


Sep 1, 2007 lvmaniac44


Sep 1, 2007 greenfire8484


Sep 2, 2007 greenfire8484


Sep 2, 2007 greenfire8484


Sep 4, 2007 RamenRadio

SHUT UP! Sorry, but it's getting annoying now. It's on every page. Seriously, you need to learn to stop.

Anyway...... Yeah, what's going on with the pictures? Nothing is getting uploaded man.

Sep 4, 2007 greenfire8484

*sniff* dont be mean *sniff*

Sep 4, 2007 RamenRadio

I said sorry lol. Im just saying you need to learn to stop, ok?

Now where are those pictures?

Sep 4, 2007 greenfire8484

i wanna get one in... but i need a good rail and a decent camera.

Apr 7, 2008 wyattpeterson

dunk i submitted like 3 pics please post

Apr 21, 2008 AnthoFlex

Where is dunk anywayz? The only new picture i saw that got accepted was my Makio at the XW soapshoes demo

Dec 14, 2008 sk8erx34

generaly how long does it take for them to get up?

Apr 7, 2009 sk8erx34

is the sight still exepting pics?

Apr 7, 2009 AnthoFlex

yea. But if you have some really good ones. Save em for the new forum i'm creating for soapshoes on AnthoFlex.com

Mar 12, 2012 zelda

That forum never happened, hope Louis will still submit pics

Dec 29, 2014 Waffle

Renny left a long time ago! really a shame the forum never happened!
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