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Long ass curb
Dec 2, 2001 by Tanner

wesker writes, "Ok me and my fellow NYCS team members were sessioning today looking for some good things to grind.

Boy did we find it.

We found a 400ft,thats right 400ft yellow curb(Sal wears size 12 soaps, so we counted)that goes down a hill... and is grindable the whole way! We are going to buy a huge candle to wax the whole thing. So far what we waxed we were able to grind. If we can wax the whole thing we estimated the grind to go on for at least 45 seconds! Has anyone else found a curb like this?"

Tanner adds: Whoa! Dude! That's awsome! I hope you can grind the whole thing! Be sure to get it on video if you do!
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