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Metal Grind Plates
Mar 26, 2001 by broox

oddball writes "I keep seeing Soapers with metal grind plates that spark when they grind on cement. I've called the local stores that sell Soapshoes and I've called Soap. Nobody knows what I'm talking about. The people that have these plates won't tell me where I can get them. Does anybody know how I can get a pair of these metal grind plates?" The shoes you are seeing are made by Rollerblade. They actually have metal rollers in the shoes, and trust me when I say, they suck! there are many reasons why, i just don't feel like explaining it all right now. maybe someone will tell you why in the comments.

Aug 13, 2014 Sharpear

Although super old post. I had these back in 2000 with the metal grind plates. They are custom made from my old machine class. I am actually working on a pair for 5lbs more as weight training to replace the grind plate. Guess still not a mass market thing, but they did tear shit up.

Aug 13, 2014 mcgrinder2011

I say, if you made RB plates, do you think you could try making some in a replaceable variety? I'd like to see some and what they do in person.

Aug 13, 2014 mcgrinder2011

Any I say, how DID you access the archives in the first place?

Sep 9, 2014 zelda

That's pretty cool man, leave your email and maybe we could get some tips from ya.

Sep 10, 2014 Wesker

I have an old pair of Ordnance's I purchased off of ebay many years ago that has 1 metal plate, kinda weird/slow to grind with but did spark once.

Sep 11, 2014 grug250

pics plz?
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