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Sep 12, 2002 by aaron

penguinbob2 writes, ""RARRRRRRR this is very worthy news....lol just pestering you guys to make up for my absence. rrararrrrarararararararararararararr i still love you guys. but alex im still punching you in the face. rararararararararararara i think the new dvd should be called DOBYNS RULES ALL OF YOU!!!!!!! OR.... LOOK AT ME IM A CAT!!!!!!!!! you people sooo owe me at least that much cuz im soo egotistical. and i cant spell rawr""

aaron adds: .... so true, so very, very true.
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Dunk hittin a Unity during the UKFSW Trip to Leicester, July '04
Jordan Thompson hittin a Frontside
Bart Johnson hittin a Frontside outside of the Moline pool
James Spino hittin a UFO
Oliver Reed hittin a Royale down the S rail at Wash U