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Scuffed Rails
Nov 30, 2000 by alexei

With the popularity growing around with soaps, and the fact that I'm doing it a lot more than before, the rails at my school and common grinding spots are getting a bit...well scuffy. The grind plates are rubbing off onto the rail, marking it and putting small scrapes into it. I could honestly care less about this problem, but I do for one reason. They are starting to work against me. The scuffs and marks are slowing me down and sometimes, messing me up. Are their any solutions for fixing up metal and painted metal based rails that have been hit one too many times by a soaper? I'm sure I'm not the only one out there with the same problem.
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Trevor G hittin a Front Side
Brent V hittin a UFO
Wyatt Peterson hitting a fastslide on the practice rail
Zach larson with a Christ Grind in a Des Moines parking garage
Ian Walsh hittin a Frontside