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Soaping Encouragement
Jan 31, 2001 by broox

Heywood_Jablowme writes "Hey, I was Just writing to submit a awesome method of encouraging new soapers to do hand rails. basically, all you do if you have about 3 or more people you go in order of first names or something like that, and every time that a person stalls, they get a punch from everyone. It seems to work really well. " this is true. group soaping is the best soaping. you all motivate and push each other. i always do so much better when i have a couple guys with me.
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Jordan Pushing Aaron off a hand rail. Soap team at it's finest!
Bart Johnson hittin a Frontside at John Deere Pavilion
Ryan Armstrong hittin a Pretty Royale
Trev G hittin a Front Side
Ryan Armstrong, Maxwell, and Casey Faris with the double FS and double flip