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Switch Ups!!!
Dec 2, 2000 by broox

penguinbob writes "Ok im wondering why I don't see many switch ups down handrails. I see umm on ground rails and what not but never down a handrail. Ive just started doing it and its awesome looks cool too. Im just curious if im the only one who is doing them. Cuz I need advice from people but most soapers I talk to aren't big handrail people yet. Some easy switchups are just 180's from frontside to switch, frontside to Big kahuana, and my favorite Frontside to Big Kahuana then to switch. See I cant land any cool grinds on a handrail not jumping high enough I guess. So all the Switchups I know start with frontside. If you have any tips for me or have tried before please leave a comment." Ok guys. I just got a video from David and he's right, he performs some MAD switch up (along with Sam). These guys are getting REALLY good, you have no idea. I might release the video shortly to show you all what I'm talking about.
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