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The decision
Jul 18, 2001 by broox

After reading a lot of comments, and thinking about this hard core... I think (think) I'm going to keep brooksfsw around. Let me get a few things out in the open here. First of all, I wasn't looking for a lot of people to kiss my ass and stuff, but... its still appreciated, hehe. Anyway, I wanted to make sure that there are still people out there that appreciate what I am doing. Treiben had a huge influence on my decision, "You know you're doing something good and right when people start dissing on you. For everi bad comment out there, there are 10 more unspoken good ones. And that's a fact, Jack." I didnt really realize that there were so many who loved what I was doing... and that means a lot, because I work my ass off for you guys... why? Cause you're my brothas. So, what is wrong with brooksfsw? Well, a couple of the guys (whose names I wont say) brought to my attention that the main problem is Dusty and Corey. If you havent noticed, Dusty and Corey are the 2 lifeless morons that sit around here and diss everyone, I mean everyone... I used to like these guys a lot, they have some mad skillz, but then they started flipping out about everything... crack or something, i dont know. Ok, Ok, so what can I do about them? I already canceled Dusty and Corey's brooksfsw accounts. But that doesnt mean that they wont post, because I'm sure they will. And the second I see a post from them that I dont like, it will get moderated to -1. Then everyone can easily ignore them. Alex and I laid off the moderation a bit cause things were going well, but they got worse again (cause of the ever popular tweek and dildoInTheDark... or something like that). So we're modding again. And for everyone else... thanks for all the good words, it really means a lot. In fact, I want all my fellow soapers to download the brother hymn... i think we should make this the official fsw theme song. ok so read the lyrics and download the song.
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