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UKFSW Ipswich Trip 2 Report Online
May 29, 2003 by alexei

Most of you know by now that UKFSW.com recently went down due to server and time-commitment issues, but soapshoes.info, the sideproject of Dunk + co. and the site that hosts DEOSONLINE, is still alive and kicking.

Their newest feature is the the Ipswich Trip 2 Report, told like a story heard at a bar, Mart, Dunk, Louis, Fordy, and others recount the soap trip with a series of pics, small videos, and great narration. Deffinately worth a read.

May 29, 2003 Mart

Cheers for the plug dude :)

soapshoes.info has never really had too much exposure, which is a shame. Hopefully that's about to change

May 29, 2003 derek

you should submit a few of those pictures from the trip to be feature pics here. they are dope.

May 29, 2003 Mart

I think Dunk's submitted a few sequences to you already, but I'm not sure about single shots...

I guess it all depends on how much he wants to release, even though we got SO MUCH sick stuff in that one day

May 30, 2003 dunk

Sure, I'll submit them all. I just didn't want you to end up with a website full of photos that people have already seen on other websites.

Also, I realised the captions under the images I sent you are gonna interfere with the solidgrind.com waternark, so feel free to remove them.

May 31, 2003 Louis

Yeah man, we got some really amazing footage, shame that fordy couldnt film me grinding the kinked rail 3 friggin times...raaaaaa. lol, it would be awsome though to see some ukfsw/soapshoes.info stuff on this site.

May 31, 2003 fordy

dream on louis...dream on

Jul 3, 2003 Crossbuster

I'll show you all the best grinding spots. There are some amazing rails here.
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Amy Gerein hittin a Fastslide (see, chicks can soap too)
Derek Brooks with a backside farfegnugen in a Des Moines parking garage
Aaron MacDonald hittin a Frontside
Ian Walsh hittin a Stylin Frontside
Zach hittin a Royale