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Jul 14, 2006 by Mart

For those of you who have been around long enough, you'll remember the UKFSW Crew, a bunch of reprebates from all over England known for putting out some of the sickest Soap Shoe media and running one of the most important Soap Shoe sites of the time, ukfsw.com

For those of you who haven't, you're in for something of a treat. Head on over to Soap Shoes Online for the latest news from the boys over the other side of the pond... DEOS is not the only old skool Soap crew to be making a comeback this summer, we'll have you know

Jul 14, 2006 AnthoFlex

Without killing me, i thought UKFSW was gay....because, BECAUSE i got them mixed up with Athens......UKFSW is sick....Athens Sux....in my opinion.....i dunno why the fuck i thought Athens was UKFSW...i guess cause u guys were all in Europe....sorry again ^_^ keep kicking ass UK

Jul 14, 2006 Wesker

Even more fun stuff, all the old soap crews are making some comebacks ;D

Jul 14, 2006 Rick

Excellent, that's all I can say.

Jul 15, 2006 Surfaced

Ah, dreams do come true.

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Aaron Huebner sliding royale for Bryndon
Alexei Tajzler and Kyle Lefler hittin a Synchronized Soaping
Orr Whartman hittin a Frontside
Hugh Hermes hittin a Frontside
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