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Upcoming Heely Demos
Mar 7, 2004 by derek

Alright yall, Heelys is putting on demos in Chicago and Minneapolis. The Chicago demos are scheduled at Nordstrom's for March 27, 11-3 and March 28, 1-4. In Minnesota there is a demo scheduled at Nordstrom's, Mineapolis on April 10 from 11-3. Also at Trade Home in Eden Prairie from 1-4 on April 11th.

derek adds: These are not Soap demos. It's strictly Heelys. However, I'm scheduled to be at both events. So if you're in the area, you should definitely stop by and roll with us. I'm sure there will be give-aways and all that. It'll definitely be a fun time.

Mar 7, 2004 Mart

...nothing to stop you from demoing the fusions...

Mar 8, 2004 bike4life

Damn it all! Come to California

Mar 9, 2004 mike


Mar 9, 2004 jericanman

how bout coming to the uk

Mar 9, 2004 dunk

Word. That's what Team Soap UK is for.

Mar 9, 2004 twitch

dammit, now i really wish i had a car.. the twin cities (Mineapolis & St. Paul) i like 100miles away. CRAP! derek, pick me up and take me with you.. i know u guys will be drivving the I-90 interstate and i live near it... so get into L.C. MN near I-90 and get me... i'll be at the BP station =P

Mar 9, 2004 twitch

and if u really want me to come... witch i know u prolly don't... email me for more info mailto:gothic_neko5388(at sign)hotmail(dot)com

Mar 9, 2004 twitch

man i kant spel =S

Mar 11, 2004 GreenBeret

too bad u wont be in minnesota during the summer. ill probly be in minnesota over the summer. itd be sick to goto a demo and just have fun.

Mar 11, 2004 derek

who knows what the summer holds though. that's the prime demo time... so we might be around.
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