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Whhhhaaaaa Dobyns ALIVE?????
Jul 9, 2002 by alexei

penguinbob2 writes, "Could it be? Has it happend? Hes alive. Muhahahahahah. Dobyns is alive and kicking once again. I decided to climb back outa the whole ive been hiding in dust off my soaps and lace up once again. ahh i missed you guys. Much love all around. As if you even care. I was just sitting here thinking what ever happend to all my old soaping buddys. Does tanner still soap. Is brooks still my buddy. Is it true that everyone is better then me now. What about those cool canadians that i always gave so much hate. I missed those silly magic shoes. In fact im gonna wear them tomarrow. and just go out and kill sometimes just for old times sake. Hey yo does anyone even remember me. Thats all i wanna know is if ive still held my status as that kid who used to soap with sam ya the loser who did flat rails ya thats the kid. Peace and much love all around cuz im cool like that"

alexei adds: Ah old buddy, most of us are still here and kicking...should we expect one more RSC soap video??
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