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farfs, royale, and unity
Feb 12, 2007 by gotnicerice

i have some questions on these tricks. um how tweaked should my feet be when i do these for them to count? cuz i can do it but like little tweak. and i normally lead with my left foot so on unity which foot should i put in lead? thank you

Feb 12, 2007DaSholZ

For the tweaking of your feet, it depends, it just has to be noticeable.
As for the Unity, I don't think it matters.
Hope this helped. :)

Feb 12, 2007DaSholZ

Oh I forgot, if you haven't yet, check some of the pictures too. Some of those are good examples.

Feb 12, 2007SonicSoaper

You should always have someone to watch you whn you're practicing Royales. They only count if you have your legs bent and enough tweak so the person can see the botooms of both grind plates.

Feb 12, 2007shdook

remember always bend YOUR KNEES not ur ankles if you can get any tweak as a beginner just keep pracitce.

Feb 12, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, I have trouble with that every now and then
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Zach Larson hittin a Hittin a true unity.
Aaron Tarabloletti sliding a huge frontside at WIU.
Aaron Taraboletti sliding a square kinked rail at Drake University
Jordan Muck hittin a Backslide at Canton
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