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Looking for a real answer on the purchae question.
Feb 16, 2007 by slipperysole

I have read countless post here of people looking for size 12 and ups, and also for Scabs.
I am looking for Scabs or Ordance in size 12 or 13, Or just any classy looking soap in these sizes.
I would love it to be cheap, but mostly, I just need to find the shoe.
I don't mean to be hasty and rude, but please don't post if you're gonna send me on the run around.

Feb 16, 2007AnthoFlex


This has been answered over and over again

Feb 17, 2007slipperysole

Sorry Anthoflex, I've been there, and unless there's something I'm missing on the page, which is possible, all I see is the run around which ends in my happening upon some ugly offshoot.
Looks is important here, I have a group of guys here, (7) who are all looking for soaps ranging from 10-14, but most need good looking, simple designs like the Scabs, or Ordance because of the rules of their private school.
I see that this question has been responded to many times, (I've literally been following up on them all day,) but the question has yet to be answered, as anyone looking for classy size 12's and ups will agree.

Feb 17, 2007AnthoFlex

no need for apology dude, its all good

Feb 17, 2007slipperysole

I'm really not apologizing, I was saying I cant find anything there. I've been checking all day, I can't find any, even at

Feb 17, 2007SonicSoaper

You can buy the Ords at SaP but they only go up to size 12. For bigger sizes, check eBay. This question has been OFFICIALLY answered.

Feb 19, 2007SSAndroid

ebay is ur best bet

Feb 19, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, I bought all my soap shoes from ebay. Two pairs that are in a size 12 (sylons and ords), and a size 13 (Boltar). They pop up a lot, so make sure to keep a close eye out. Right now, it's not looking so hot. There is only one pair of size 12 soaps on ebay, and they are used. Don't worry though, usually ebay will come up with like 7 different pairs at a time. But if your interested in these shoes, take a closer look.


Feb 19, 2007AnthoFlex

WTF? those are the Goa Midnights!

Feb 19, 2007RamenRadio

Mdnights? I never heard of them.

Feb 19, 2007SapAuthor

Umm...as for hte site, you just need to click on the ORDER SOAPS button to go to it, it's a flash site. Not the best looking one yes, i'm not a pro, plus i'm uber busy, but it does work, and wlel, we've sold about 100+ SOAPs already.

If you want to go directly to the order form, go to http://www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/getyourpair.swf
That's the order page itself.

I'm afraid we only have size 3-12, HSL won't make any sizes larger yet, which really sucks for us people who are size 13 and 14
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