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Skateboard Bail Out.
Feb 17, 2007 by slipperysole

This is another balst from the past, in highschool, we had to check in our skateboards, so we rode to school, and ground the hallways during the day.
But after school we would skate home, and I remember us obcessing over this way we would skate around and do tricks, and just bail from our boards to the rails, or off the board, to rail, to borad again, you get the picture.
Did anyone else do this or is it some kind of soaper code-crime?

Feb 17, 2007AnthoFlex

Hell no, Sk8rs who say that Soaping is whack are whack themselves. I've been a sk8r for longer than ive been a Soaper and i love the two sports with ALL my heart
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