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Any TEAM SOAP Members or those that want to be...
Feb 20, 2007 by SapAuthor

Alright, me and Anthoflex, as well as others have been talking about this. Redoing team SOAP. Most of Team SOAP doesn't even SOAP anymore, and there are new people who have the potential to be members.

Firstly, I want to know who on Team SOAP are still SOAPing and are taking part in the re-awakening of SOAP shoes. So please put on, for example Dario Neiva still SOAPs regularly.

Secondly, I want to know who wants to be part of team SOAP that can soap REALLY WELL. I'm not talking about those (even me) who just like SOAPing but aren't too good or cant' do it a lot. We need some talent like Renny, Trey D, etc. So please post on here also if you want to apply for Team SOAP, and how good you really are.

If we get a new crew all set up, and present demo vids and stuff to HSL, one MASSIVE combo vid, it will not only show them that people are serious about getting SOAPs back and using them, but also help them consider making the new team the official SOAP team. This compared to one person applying, and HSL saying "umm..yeah...*click*" lolz

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev, I love you like a bro, but im putting my foot down right now...

The NEXT FREAKING TIME you put urslef down im going to Wisconsin, and imma verbally smack you.

Have you SEEN your footage? You can jump higher than most Bladers! And let me tell you something....if i get on Team Soap, and you don't....im requesting that you be on it

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

And if its people recruiting for team Soap,

I vote:

Me (Renny AnthoFlex Castillo)

Trey D

David Vileta

Trevor Fayas

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Im submitting my video in after the demo. That should give me plenty of time to redo my clips...

for those who dunno, i have sick handrail clips, but its come to my attention that if you wanna hit HSL hard, you need to have Express, or any other HSL Soapshoe

Most of my clips are Septums

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Feb 20, 2007matrix8967

i can do a hell of alot of tricks my weakness is jumping :(...and that i live in arkansas...
I've talked to some of the UKFSW crew and they still soap...but they live in england, so i think they should be in on some of this too.

I vote for all of you guys. Renny, Trevor, and the other two i don't know their solidgrind names so i uno who they are. what about Dario?

but that's my take on it, i wish i could be there in person to support you guys. but i'm always there in spirit. thanks to you guys for keeping soap alive. I do my part, but it's small and meaningless, you guys are the ones who did it all. soap owes you, and soapers owe you. I get people to buy soaps...hell, i just BOUGHT someone a 30 dollar pair and they don't even have to pay me, i just want to support soap, and i've done it like 2 or 3 times. i just buy soaps for people.

anyway, thanks guys, sorry to get all sappy and dumb...but thanks, and i wish i could do more to help yous guys.


Feb 20, 2007ordnanceflint91

Renny and Trevor.....im hopefully going to be gettin my video clips soon...still tryin to find a digi cam that will have good quality to borrow. i have beenpracticing what i want to do but still no way to get the fottage. but yeah im still down for the team. LETS DO THIS!!! And Trevor, u better try for this too man

Feb 20, 2007ordnanceflint91

o yeah and by the way, im Trey for those of you who dont know

Feb 20, 2007SapAuthor

Trey, i'm telling you man, just get an aiptek or dxg camera, they are low cost and it' what i do my video on. DXG are lower cost and smaller, but Aiptek usually have the screw port on the bottom (which is really handy for putting them on tripods). If you are just doing internet video, 320x240 is standard, but if you want to blow up to tv, go with 640x480.

Here's a nice one that's ending soon, dxg brand, current bid 50 bucks, u want to look for 640x480 at 30 fps.

Feb 20, 2007ordnanceflint91

yeah i like that...only problem is tryin to get up the money for it.... id love to have that one

Feb 20, 2007RamenRadio

I don't know too much about Trey, David, and Treovor (I'm sorry, i don't know them too well), but I would definitely want Renny and Dario on the team. I vote for renny and dario

Feb 20, 2007ordnanceflint91

ramen..go to sonicandpals and check out my vids for team sss

Feb 20, 2007RamenRadio

I can't, it says the bandwidth has exceeded, and is temporarily closed. Damn it.

Feb 20, 2007RamenRadio

that's a crime, to close down sonicandpals.com. DAMN SERVERS!

Feb 20, 2007Wesker

Hope I don't have to try out again lol.

For those coming to the demo and looking to get some good footage of themselves the NYCS crew will be there to film everything.

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, use the demo to get sick footage.

Remember at the demo there is going to be:

-Loud Music (to get ya pumped)

-5 rails already set up. 4 being 18ft. long, the 5th being a whopping 65ft. long

-A few P.Rs (Practice Rails) set up


Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

I left Dario Nieva out of my list for a reason. Hes already on the team....i HIGHLY doubt they'll kick him off to try again

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

forgot to close HTML, sorry

Feb 20, 2007Slidey

Renny and Trev definatley get my vote. Dario and Ryan should definatley be staying on the team as well. I dunno about David and Trey but if Renny says they should, I say they should ;).

As for me, I'd love to be in the Soap team. I'm alrite I guess, I've done 10 stair vert rails and I can balance on a rail for about 30 meters (100+ feet I think). I can jump up to lower hip hieght rails and I'm only gettin better so I'll be able to help with the video.

There's just one thing... I live in the UK =/

Anyway, I've got a decent digi-cam I'm just missing a memory card (which I will get, very soon). You think this is good enough quality? (It was only a test run for the cam)


Feb 20, 2007Slidey

Oh yeah, I'm mostly wearing Chaos and Express now. I know THAT will please HSL

Feb 20, 2007Slidey

oops, your gonna need to save the file to view it (or I need to anyway). It's the bottom file on this page.


Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

We are gonna try to convince HSl to sponsor those in the UK....if i rememeber correctly, HSL didnt like the idea of over seas sponsoring....kinda hypocritical, because they have Team Heelys all over the damn world

Feb 20, 2007Slidey


Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Im going to take advantage of tomorrow's warm weather and get some serious Soaping done with footage.

Im heading to downtown manhattan, where the big boy rails are

Feb 20, 2007Slidey

Awesome, as soon as I come back from my grandma's I'm gonna buy a memory card and try to clear the huge 50 meter depo rail.

Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

That rail is fucking awesome, i saw that pic

Feb 20, 2007Kile

Whats going on Trev ? Just read the post i see your looking for some people for the Soap Team, who can soap really well. Not to brag but im good, so if your interested just holler back and the both of us can talk about it. Thanks (Kyle)

Feb 21, 2007RamenRadio

Hey Kile, how good are you at soaping btw? I'm a just curious, maybe u can try out. :)

Feb 21, 2007DarkVermillion

I hope you guys didn't forget about me, I'm good, well if you think so. I have about a ba-jillion videos, but I recently start jumping on top of rails so I'm moving up. (Lol,pun.)

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

The moe poeple the better.

But listen, only serious people send in your stuff. Don't send in shitty videos trying to be cocky. Organize a video with yourself. IT HAS TO BE AT LEAST A 2-MINUTE VIDEO.

If you doubt yourself, or dunt thin ur good enough, but you have videos, let me and Trev look at them, we'll let you know if you should send in more stuff or work on your current style.

Remember, TWO, SOLID Minutes of yourself with your name in the beginning.

Everyone will have their Sponsor videos in one GIANT video

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Put in your best clips. Try to keep ledges to a minimal, unless they are sick ledges.

And put in a song that FITS with your video. You dunt want slow grinds with super fast extasy music

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

We are ONLY sending a Giant video thats filled with the sickest Soaping to this date.

just an overview:

NO standing and then pushing off
NO tiny ledges....other ledges are acceptable as long as they are sick (ex. giant curve ledge)

AT LEAST 2-minutes, can be more, but NO less

Name at beginning, with music that fits your session

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

*also, try to use HSL-made Soapshoes, you can use others, but try to make HSL-made ones your top priority

Me and my good friend are gonna go hit the city spots tomorrow, should be sum sick shit

Feb 21, 2007DarkVermillion

Well I have a 6 min one, with some pretty good stuff, like 3 combo rails, and 20 footer, a slanted hand rail, and a weird curved rail.


Feb 21, 2007DarkVermillion

P.s. My name is Jay Ericson. xD

Feb 21, 2007ordnanceflint91

hey Renny, be expecting my demo vid soon. got me a digi cam today so i will be going out and getting some video footage within the next few days. hopefully by monday i will have everything i want and need for it. gotta wait til saturday to go to a few spots tho =(

Feb 21, 2007Rynasty

First of all is this "redoing the soap team" thing actually happening, or is it just another one of the things that gets talked about here but never gets done? second, its going to take more than grinding p-rails and listening to shitty CKY and Korn music. And last, you are right, at LEAST half of the soap team still soaps. Myself, I soap on random occasions but hardly ever go out to get pictures anymore. Maybe if I knew they would be put to good use...

Feb 21, 2007Rynasty

oops, I meant to say "doesn't still soap"

Feb 21, 2007DarkVermillion

What's wrong with "Shitty" CKY and Korn music?

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, dudes, keep the practice rails out. You can always get better and sign up later

And in response to ur vid Dark Vermillion, 6 minutes is good, but make sure its your best stuff, you dunt wanna bore HSL when they view it. But if you insist that the 6minutes you have is the shit, then we can put ur vid at the end of the video

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

In response to ur comment Ryan, YES, we are gonna do this....even if everyone bails out at the last minute, i know for a FACT that Me, Trev, and Trey are gonna go for it

Feb 21, 2007SonicSoaper

There gonna be any sick ledges at the demo Renny?

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

there is ONE ledge....its like a cresent moon, but its off limits to everyone in the demo except the NYCS.

Ledges are gay anywayz, step up to rails

Feb 21, 2007SonicSoaper

Off limits, damn. Did't you read like half the stuff I said about having NO RAILS IN MY TOWN? It's like.....they're sleeping or something.

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

*plus the ledge isnt waxable

we've tried miltiple times and it wont become slippery

Feb 21, 2007SonicSoaper

Damn. I can see why it's off limits.

Feb 21, 2007DarkVermillion

Well it's hard for me to find good rails down here in my town, and I don't go to other towns often, but it's the best I could find, if it's not good enough just tell me, but I'd like to be a part of this because soaping is something I don't just do once in a while, it's a everyday thing.

Feb 21, 2007Slidey

2moz I'm probably gonna die, cuz to jump on that depo rail I'm gonna need to jump about a meter from a ledge over a gap to get the hieght, then land in switch and go down it. But hey, anythin for Soap right? ;)

Feb 21, 2007Kile

yo ramen im really good just answerin you back.

Feb 21, 2007RamenRadio

Than I'd say try out for it Kile. Make a video or something, and send it to Renny. Send it to me too, and if I see something awesome, you'll have my vote. I know that you don't have many rails as you had said, but just try to find some nice soaping ground. :)

Feb 21, 2007SonicSoaper

What're we voting for anyway? I'm pretty sure it's up to HSL to decided who's on Team Soap.

Feb 21, 2007ordnanceflint91

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NAwIQUYtsM this is the first segment of the demo video i have to send in. you can see some of the easy stuff in this. i still have to get more but i cant until this weekend. let me know what ya think so far


Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

Slidey, your rail is an exception. If you need to, hold onto it and push off. That rail is freakishly long and freakishly high. The ONLY way to get on top would be to climb it.

Feb 22, 2007Surfaced

The music is indeed a crucial component of someone's video. It often effects who will watch it for more than 5 seconds, and is supposed to compliment what is going on. For example, if you want to use death metal in your video, I would assume you are in an A1 Abrams, rocking the shit out of some insurgents. I wouldn't guess that you were grinding... down... a rail... with shoes. It might seem pretty awesome at the time, but if you look at it later you might say "My god, I'm such a retard."

If you haven't seen Cullen's "sponsor me" video, I advise doing so, by going to the "Video" section of this website. Now I'm not suggesting that you use hip-hop/rap in your clip. Just make sure you maintain some neuteral judgement on what seems appropriate. Cullen has a fluent, smooth grinding style, and the video was filmed during daytime. He picked "Rhyme Language" a tune that truely flows.

Feb 22, 2007AnthoFlex

i got a song that flows with my video already, but im not telling what song it is because one cheeky little shit decided to use it in his sk8 vid

Feb 22, 2007AnthoFlex

back to top

Feb 22, 2007matrix8967

yeah, i'm gonna try to make a video...i want to be on the team, but it's gonna be alot of "growin up" fast. lots of practice (i have a 4 day weekend)


Feb 23, 2007SapAuthor

man there isa lot of read. i,m using my cell phone's web browser so ill have to read it all later. i would like to get emails of those trying outw ith at on of video n i'll compile it and make an uber vidw /renny. e mail me @ trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com with GOOD vid, no practice rails, shotty camera work, and lots of variety in location/rail type/tricks. also try to get cool angles, and other eyec andy shots.

Feb 23, 2007AnthoFlex

yea. Keep ledges to a minimal too unless they are REALLY sick, or unless you did sumthing REALLY sick on it.

Me and Trev will review the videos

Feb 23, 2007Slidey

Gah, I got 36 meters out of the 46 that are on a slant, but I only got a video of a 28 meter grind =(

Feb 23, 2007Slidey


You can see it here anyway. I will eventually do it, every time I come back I manage to make it about 5 meters further.

Feb 23, 2007matrix8967

I'm gonna try out...i'll try to get borrow a digi cam next week. shoot some vid. I've got some music, but will there be copyright issues? not like it matters to me, but anyway, i'll try out for the team...just to say i tried out is major honor.


Feb 24, 2007AnthoFlex

that video was sick, and smart too. Using the UFO to keep your balance, thats sick

Feb 24, 2007SonicSoaper

I saw it last night and the only thing I could say was "Slidey's got some balls on him."

Feb 24, 2007Slidey

Yeah, my Boltar's BBKs lock in so well on that rail. I've tried doing as much as I can with my Chaos (non-modified grindplates) but you go so fast that by about 15 meters you HAVE to jump off. So yeah, the UFO is for both balance and slowin down speed lol

Feb 27, 2007Slidey

So hows it goin people? got any new media?

I'll post my best stuff for the vid here so you guys can see wheter its good or not. I think most of u shud do the same.

Feb 27, 2007AnthoFlex

I htink you should save your clips Stu

when people see your Sponsor video, im sure you want them to be like "WOW!!! HOLY SHIT! THAT WAS SICK" rather than, "Oh thats cool, i saw that one already."

As for going fast on the depot rail with your chaos, do you have Express? Use the brake bar

Feb 27, 2007Slidey

Actually thats a better Idea, thanx Renny.

Express have brake bars? Is it that arch bit above the sole? I'm not sure I wana get that dirty tbh. I mean the Express are my newest soaps and I wana keep them alright lookin for a while at least.

Feb 27, 2007RamenRadio

I gotta get some pics up on here, but I need to find some nice rails first. All I can grind on is AJ's rail, but that's barely 2 feet high.

Mar 2, 2007SapAuthor

ill review thev ids l8r. on my cell in my biology class lol.

Mar 2, 2007SapAuthor

Dang O.o That's one sick rail dude, get the whole thing and save it for a big finale

Mar 10, 2007AnthoFlex

The forum is getting loaded with crap, im bringing only the most important topics back to the top.

Dec 31, 2007Spano565

important topic bump.....

Dec 31, 2007Spano565

important topic bump.....

Jan 1, 2008xJeremiahx

Man, that would be great but I just don't have the free time. That and I don't have the confidence to do large rails yet. Maybe I'll try out at a latter time.

Jan 1, 2008SpiderSoaper

i had no idea this forum existed, well i'm in the process of making videos now, but is this plan still going on?

Jan 1, 2008RamenRadio

No clue man


That would be sick if there was a team SOAP in the UK, I'd love to be on it... Shame I'm a F*cking midget!!! I find it hard to jump onto rails, 'parenlty I should have a growth spurt soon. I'll try and get footage of me doing a loooooooooooong vert rail. Gonna have to tweak like hell. And I hope the weather gets better.

PS. I'm soooooooo tired- goodnight peeps
UK TIME: 02:03am


Jan 1, 2008Spano565

Glad to help whoever this hepled whatever lol
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