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Good/Bad news
Feb 20, 2007 by asitfalls

Good: Hit my first hip high rail.
Bad: got cocky and tried to Unity it which resulted in one hell of a bail....

results: 6- 8 weeks no walking... shattered ankle that has now been reconstructed with one plate and 3 screws.


Feb 20, 2007AnthoFlex

GODAMN!, damn dude, sorry to hear that

Feb 20, 2007RamenRadio

Crap!!! I'm sorry man, that must suck..

Feb 20, 2007matrix8967

holy shit man. i hope you're ok. u need a soap medal! for like, bravery and honor and shit. i hope you get better man.

but on the lighter side ur new ankle is gonna be JUST LIKE your soaps...one plate and 3 screws... :)

that really does suck man, i hope you get better.


Feb 21, 2007RamenRadio

Get better as soon as you can, and keep soaping! Accidents do happen occasionally. I remember almost killing myself trying to do my first cheesegrater lol. Sorry, but I have trouble twisting my feet that way.

Feb 21, 2007DarkVermillion

That's why I'm glad I can't do a unity. xD But sorry to hear about your ankle dude, that's got to hurt like a biotch. D:

Feb 21, 2007AnthoFlex

My friend can do flawless unities....i cant, it sux

Feb 21, 2007SonicSoaper

Same here only no one I know can unity.

Feb 22, 2007kobansora


I will do unitiies after my ankle heals too... Which happened after I did my first quick frontside lol, it rained.


Feb 22, 2007asitfalls

Yea im on so many drugs right now and im trying to email my professors about my incident and only one has responded.... this fucking sucks. Good to know the community cares, it feels so good to have people not treat me like im a retard... every ong thinks I broke it heelying... im like not on heelys on SOAPS.... I was not rolling i was grinding...

Feb 22, 2007SonicSoaper

What's great about Soap injuries is that you can spread the word in the medical community.

Feb 22, 2007Slidey

Man, you racked yourself bigtime. =[
Thats mega bad luck dude, I hope it heals up soon. As for me, I was gonna try a savanagh (back foot first unity) on a thiegh hieght rail but now im not so sure lol. I can't do unitys very well, the most I've held one for is about 3 meters.

I mean dude, that is soo harsh. I've never broken anything soaping, hardly even sprained anything a few times. I hope u get better at unitys dude, and to regain your confidence, try to grind rails from upper thiegh hieght to hip after you get out of the danger zone.

Feb 22, 2007jreid1992

thats so notcool

Feb 22, 2007JeiHeirumaru

Dude....That had ta' hurt... Well,alteast you'll get better. Oh and hey everybody,I'm new on da scene

Feb 23, 2007SapAuthor

man o man, u got to be careful man. you are fearless but thatc an bw bad too lol. work ur way up slowly, that goesf or all of you. u move to fast, ug et hurt, and u cant soap then. that ankle isg oing to hurt for aw hile, ih ope u cans oap again. dont get to enthused guys, major breaks often dont get 100% better, u may not be able to soap normally. be safe, bes mart, so u can be soaping.

Feb 24, 2007kobansora

Ehehe... Be smart..

I just dislocated my toe soaping today. Yeah, we have to get smarter lol


Feb 24, 2007AnthoFlex

I think my worst injury Soaping was my accident at Queens College. I racked myself pretty hard.

The reason for this was because even though i was tired, i thought i could still clear that monterous rail.

Heres a tip: When you are fatigued, just take a break. Your knees start to shake, you cant keep your balance, and your feet sumtimes pick themselves up unexpectadly.

So do yourself a favor, when you are even a LITTLE BIT fatigued or tired, just take a break. Theres no point in stressing it for those 5 extra minutes and then having an injury that takes you 5 weeks to get back into the scene

Feb 24, 2007Slidey

Renny is SOO right. My 1st or 2nd grind of the day is ALWAYS the longest. If I get a little tired my balance then sucks, I can't jump as high and my feet have a dangerous habit of slipping off the rail.

Listen to Renny, ALWAYS take a break.

Feb 24, 2007SonicSoaper

And drink lots of either water(A classic drink), Brisk(A personal favorite and heavily featured in Shag This), or Jones Soda(Roll with the little guy).

Feb 24, 2007kobansora

Haha yeah, we should all learn how to take breaks when we're fatigued... I think that's why I nearly racked myself.


Feb 24, 2007asitfalls

its not so bad now, Im finally able to stop using the pain meds because Im not hurting and I wear a Soap on my good foot so I can show people what I really was doing when I broke my foot. I love my Soaps and dont blame them at all, I grinded that rail atleast seven times and yes I was tired so I blame my fall on my own stupidity.

I will SOAP again!

Feb 26, 2007SapAuthor

I hope you do man, but dont push it, make sure ur healed before u tried again, ur ankle will be more easily broken.

As for the rest, from a biology class stand point, yes water is needed, but make sure to breathe as your cells need lots of oxygen to perform cellular resperation and convert sugars to ATP energy. You don't breath, they go to anaerobic resperation, and that's hwen u get lactic acid and fatigue. Also make sure to drink milk, the body uses calcium to signal muscle cells to activate and contract.

Yup...this is what collage does to you...i'm off to bed, test tommarow.

Feb 26, 2007matrix8967

but don't drink milk when your soaping, you'll get hot, the milk will curdle in your stomach and your body will be like "MILK, GET OUT OF HERE!....NO NO, NOT THAT WAY, THE WAY YOU CAME IN!"


Feb 26, 2007RamenRadio

I never would have thought lol

Feb 26, 2007SonicSoaper

Shizz happens.

Mar 4, 2007asitfalls

After my last doctors visit I have discovered that my foot injury is far worse then I originally thought. Once I can get the pics off my phone Ill show ya what I mean....

In all truth, I may never soap again.

Mar 4, 2007Ohanzee

i'm sorry bro... that really sux...

Mar 4, 2007SonicSoaper

Oh dude. That's.....sorry. Let's just hope medical science could either save your foot or give you a new metal one.

Mar 4, 2007RamenRadio

That sucks more than anything. I'm so sorry. What size are you anyway?

Mar 4, 2007Ohanzee

Ramen... thats not cool...

Mar 4, 2007SapAuthor

-.- as I feared :-( I'll put a prayer up on the prayer board on SaP

Mar 4, 2007AnthoFlex

Ohanzee, im pretty sure he didnt mean it in that way...

Mar 4, 2007Slidey

dude... thats too harsh =S
I hope it getz better man, that is very unlucky.

Mar 4, 2007asitfalls

Im not going to lie. Im a hefty dude. 220lbs... but I think what really messed my ankle up was the way I fell. I was on a rail that is my hip height (Im 5'6) and I was trying a unity, the rail kinks a little for three stairs and thats where I bailed at. so combined I feel with my feet in a X position with my body leaning to the left which caused all my weight to land on my left ankle... I heard it pop and tried to stand back up and thats when the worst thing happened, my foot bent back and I realized I could not stand and that I had messed up my ankle.

Ramen idk if you wanted weight or shoe size.... shoe size is 11.

really once I can get these pics off my phone you guys will exactly how bad I fucked it up.

Mar 4, 2007Slidey

shit, there is true danger in the unity. I don't even know if I wana see them picz...

Mar 7, 2007SapAuthor

you probably tore all your legiments in your ankle. My teacher did that with his finger, it bends forward and backwards, but with his he still has his main legiments so he can use it...ankles aren't that easy though, you need the legiments all the way around...

Apr 3, 2007asitfalls

Been awhile since my last update so here is where I am at, I went to the doctor and he said a miracle has happened! My body has adapted to the plate and screw and new bone has started to grow which means my mobility will be just as it was before my break, however due to bone softening from elevation of my leg during the 7 weeks I was in a cast, I will need 2 weeks to learn how to walk again.

It hurts like a bitch because my toes and heel are quite sore. But I am on my way to a full recovery!

Thanks to every one who prayed for me!

btw SAP author my name is James.

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper

That's sick! Congrats James.

Apr 3, 2007RamenRadio

Thank god, I'm so happy for you James! Welcome back to soaping! lol :D

Apr 3, 2007RamenRadio

Or, can you still soap? I hope so

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper

He's gotta learn how to alk first.

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper


Apr 3, 2007rhinoskater30

Why do we fall, pick ourselves back up again.....
Congrats, hope you get all better and take it easy for a while.

Apr 4, 2007Slidey

Dude, You should get a Medal for this
Hope it gets fully better soon

Apr 4, 2007Jard39

someone should make him a medal... the SOAP Medal of Honor

and get well soon

Apr 5, 2007RamenRadio

Get well soon James :)

Apr 7, 2007asitfalls

Thanks every one. Learning to walk is so hard but Im trying to walk through the pain... but the doctor said I should be able to do EVERY thing I did b4 my break... which includes soaping! but im going to give that one a couple of months... lol I dont want to put that much strain on my foot yet.

Apr 7, 2007RamenRadio

Don't worry about it James. The point is that you will be able to soap :D

Apr 8, 2007matrix8967

wow, you get an A+ at life. you own.

May 18, 2007asitfalls

Been a while since you heard from ole Jay in GA... but I can tell ya things are looking up! Im finally walking and back at work. Ironically, the shoes I broke my foot in (SOAPS) are the most comfortable shoes for me to wear right now due to their heel support! Im almost where I can run and then the doctors say in about another month I will have fully recovered!

Im living it up and not slowing down. Cant wait to be able to slide some more,

- falls

May 18, 2007xJeremiahx

That is great newz! I hope all goes well in the final stretch of your healing proccess.

May 18, 2007SapAuthor

I'll update SaP's prayer request. Great news :-)

May 19, 2007rhinoskater30

I think that's awesome that you have a prayer list. Hey, could you give a prayer for my aunt, she's ill, and has many different problems that don't make it any better, her name's Carolyn.
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