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My mom...
Feb 22, 2007 by Joshua3109

I oredered my shoes and my mom is like trippin cuz she thinks theyre too dangerous. Im gonna use em anyways but i was wondering if you guys could give me your opinions on wetehr these shoes are safe or not and a few reasons they are. Thanks

Feb 22, 2007matrix8967

it's all in the person. if you think "i'm gonna grind a 30 story balcony" then no, the shoes are not safe. if you think "im gonna start low, and work my way until i get confident and comfortable with myself" then you're fine. it's all in the wearer.


Feb 22, 2007ordnanceflint91

yeah soap shoes are safe if the person weaing them is not being unrealistic. just use your head and dont grind things that you arent comfortable with. thats how u get hurt

Feb 22, 2007shdook

Soap shoes will never be completely safe, as im sure the first time you bail it might hurt for a while but as long as your not being to unrealistic with ur standards for the first couple days, you should be fine.

Feb 23, 2007casper

i only got my soaps a couple of days ago...but my mums already told me if i hurt myself badly or injure myself in any way...she's gonna get rid of them. :(

as long as your not doing crazy stuff with them you should be alright though.

Feb 23, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, just don't try any crazy tricks until you master the small ones.

Feb 23, 2007kobansora

Why did you tell her you got Soaps? Haha, my mom doesn't even know about my lifestyle... Bboying, popping, soaping... She doesn't know lol.

They aren't safe if you think about it, but what is safe? Hrm.....


Feb 23, 2007AnthoFlex

What does your mom suggest?....HEELYS?....pshhh please....go with the Soapshoes. They are WAAAAAAAY better

Feb 23, 2007matrix8967

tell her it's just as dangerous as walking down the street. because it kinda is. you take a risky by walking, and hell, a rampaging moose might see fit to parade over you. or you may fall victim to spontaneous human combustion. these things happen.


Feb 23, 2007SapAuthor

just wear a helme like i do. soaps, other thanf alling, are one of the most foot healthy shoes. start low, work ur way up. t he most ive been hurti s bruised shins and road rash. if u want ur mom can contact me @ trevorfayas@sonicandpals.com and ill explaim the shoes more to her and answer questions

Feb 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Hardly most of the parents here approve, but they let us Soap because we're getting excerise and what-not.

Feb 25, 2007AnthoFlex

My mom tells me i should support Heelys because she thinks i would get paid for it.....fuck that shit

Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

ummm no offense but ur mom is gay

Feb 25, 2007SonicSoaper

My mom says "Why don't you just play ball or something?" and I usually say "Because ball isn't as fun."

Feb 25, 2007AnthoFlex

Yo we gonna start the shit with my mom again?

Dunt fuking say that dude

Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

Im not trying to start shit, im just saying its kinda gay to be sponsored by heeleys so what ur mom said was kinda dumb i was not saying it with any disrespect towards ur mother. Personally i dnt even know her. So im sorry if u took it that way

Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

A better thing i should have said was, what ur mom said was gay not that she herself was so i appologize

Feb 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Look man, he didn't know. I'm sure he did't mean it so upset you Renny. Let's all just chillax.

Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

thats exactly correct

Feb 25, 2007kobansora

Online fighting is stupid.


Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02

so antho we cool

Feb 25, 2007matrix8967

mom fighting is silly. anyway, my mom was like "i don't care who you support, just ask them if they have a scholarship"

Feb 25, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea we cool

Feb 25, 2007Hattmac02


Feb 26, 2007SonicSoaper


Feb 26, 2007SapAuthor

Yo, with anthos mom bit, respect the parents man. As for his family, they are only a bit mad cuz he does a lot for SOAPs and hasn't gotten much back as of yet, but we are working to change that.

Feb 26, 2007Hattmac02

umm im pretty sure this was resolved a few days ago

Feb 26, 2007AnthoFlex

he knows that he was just saying.

Yea its true. My parents said that im doing soo much for Soap and im not getting anything in return...but it doesnt bother me....

what did bother me was this...

After my parents told me that, my older brother came to my face calling me a fucking moron and calling me "Soap's Pawn".

"I dunno why the fuck you are making them money when you arent getting SHIT in return. Not to mention they are making trillions off of the (making Heeling Gesture with arms out) HEELYS

at that moment, i heard my mom say "Oh...shit Randy..." as i lunged at my older brother beating his ass to shit. I then took my Broadsides (that where on my feet) and rubbed it on his face like a Makio.

Then my dad was soo surprised that i beat up my older brother (i never did before, i always get fucked up).....but everyone knows Puerto Rican parents...whether you were right or wrong, you are wrong, and you get an ass kicking from it....and my dad is pretty damn buffed...

Feb 26, 2007Slidey

Jeez. Well at least you can say it was for a good cause...

Feb 26, 2007AnthoFlex

he doesnt call me a "Pawn" anymore.... i make sure of it

Feb 26, 2007matrix8967

i'm with renny, i try and support soap hard, and i havnt seen shit from it, but i don't care. it doesnt bother me at all. because i want soap to do good. soap is part of my life, that's payment enough for me.

Feb 26, 2007SonicSoaper

I'll tell you, the E.O.B. boys had to put up with some shit too. For instance, Travis VS the Heelys Fanboys(Different from the one he played) and Keith VS The Heelys Girl in the Dentist Office.

Feb 27, 2007yanninicole


Feb 27, 2007RamenRadio

Oh yeah, I remember those guys. They were crossing the street with a pizza pie (let me rephrase that, they were riding their heelys across the street), and stopped when they noticed my soaps. They decided it would be funny to throw their pizza at my sylons. So I take out my scooter and smashed the hell out of that pizza. Oh but I didn't stop there, I took my scooter and destroyed their heelys. Sorry, but that's what they get. :D

Feb 27, 2007Ohanzee

nice ramen. Sounds like you had fun smashing that pizza.

Feb 27, 2007RamenRadio

Oh yes, but smashing the heelys with their pizza all over my scooter felt even better >:D

Feb 27, 2007Hattmac02

But i agree with the fact that it shouldnt matter if ur getting paid or not b/c thats not why u started soaping

Feb 27, 2007RamenRadio

I wouldn't accept money to soap. It's a lifetime dream, but I love it too much to accept money for soaping

Feb 27, 2007SonicSoaper

That's noble, man.

Feb 27, 2007Hattmac02

Def. Ramen

Feb 28, 2007SapAuthor

I guess i can't say much lol since i do make some money, although it all goes to the True Love Fund. I'm happy though steve is making money too, he does a lot of hard work with all the orders and stuff. And we are still getting Renny his very just rewards.

Feb 28, 2007Wesker

I've worked my ass off for years supporting Soap, even when there was no one around to help out, you could say I was rewarded by being asked to join the Soap team, but it's not like because you're on the team you get paid or anything.

Even after HSL started to turn their backs on Soaps, I was still there helping out... Helping out a company who didn't seem to want any help.

I mean they even offered me up a spot (Multiple times) on Team Heelys, to do paid demos, but i've always denied.


Because I love these fucking shoes and they've been a big part of my life and I love them. Like Matrix said, that's payment enough.

Feb 28, 2007AnthoFlex

For real, well Spoken Dario...

Now lets see the hate crew fate on that...

Feb 28, 2007AnthoFlex

...hmm, no hate crew!

exactly, bitches better stay quiet

Feb 28, 2007SonicSoaper

That's spoken nice, Dario. Sick.

Feb 28, 2007shdook

Yeah, if you are going to soap for the money you mine as well just forget it, you soap for FUN not the money. Of course if you do get paid to soap it is a nice extra, getting paid to do what you love is a dream for all of us, but doing it for fun is the sole purpose for soaping.

Mar 1, 2007RamenRadio

Very well spoken Dario. that's why you are so awesome. not just for your awesome tricks :D

Mar 4, 2007Joshua3109

Rex Goudie is sweet
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