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T-Bones ( do not flame)
Oct 12, 2003 by soapking

can someone that as t-bones tell me the width of the soul plate in the back?...I would like to know if they will work on my rail that I made.

Oct 13, 2003Collin

its about a inch and a half wide they are what i use i relaly like them.

Oct 13, 2003Floptastic

are they really that great? it seems to me that just the back being a plate would mess me up. instead of like broadsides.. i dunno, im gettin some scams soon, 50 bucks. yay

Oct 13, 2003Mart

I just realised that the t-bones aren't limited to just rough mizuos; you can do rough kindgrinds, rough alleyoop mizuos, rough pornstars etc...

Oct 13, 2003soapking


Oct 14, 2003Smokey

...no kidding mart? of course it's possible, just mucho harderer.

Oct 14, 2003Wesker

It's not as hard as you guy's would make it out to be.

Thanks to Derek you can put your foot down pretty good.

I will agree it's harder to do sole plate tricks on the t-bones than it would be on the broadsides or new a-sides, but with a lil practice and determination you can get those rough tricks down (Such as rough x-grind)

Oct 14, 2003Mart

...once again, Dario makes an ass out of himself; a rough xgrind would involve you grinding on the heel of both shoes

Oct 14, 2003derek

yo, these shoes have the best royale/farf grooves ever (besides maybe the old octane grindplates) I love them for that.

Oct 14, 2003Mart

I never laid eyes on a pair of Octanes for real... is it possible to still get them?

Oct 14, 2003Benji

they were on some sylons on ebay a little while back, i bid on them but i didn't win

Oct 15, 2003Wesker

What the hell are you talking about Mart? I know it's a grind with both heels. Don't think it can be done?

Oct 15, 2003Mart

Not with any sense of style, as is the case with you

Nov 24, 2003Marc

I have a pair of T-Bones.. they are probley my favorite pair of soaps(Cleans are close as hell though).. Sure they are limited alot.. But they still kick ass.. Oh.. And a kick ass idea for rough grinds.. Take away the last letter of the normal grind.(EG. Mizu For Mizuo.. heh)

Dec 7, 2003Phantom00991

I have the T-bones and they rock. Makio's aren't hard at all, all the other sole related tricks aren't that hard either. Once you get used to tilting your foot back, you just kinda automatically do it. The sole plates are plenty wide for most rails, but it seems like the plate is a slightly off center, mabie it's just me. The only problem I've found is the soles come off pretty easy, from wear and tear. Also on a wet rail you can easily slip off because of the low indent of the sole plate. the sole plate also adds another way to cess, Mizu (that's how the cool kids say it) cesses are fun.

Dec 15, 2003Marc

You Have Seemed To Stole My Lingo And Called It Yours.. Thats Stealing Buddy.. Mizu Is Mine.. So Fuck Off..

Anyway.. The Soles Only Rip From The Little Bottom Things.. Nothing Bad.. Makes It Funner To Sanuel(Inside Joke That Im Not Gonna Explain Or Someone Will Steal It Just Like Mizu..)

Dec 16, 2003Marc

And anything thats not all the way down on the sole like supposed to be.. is a Rough whatever

Dec 26, 2003Scalier

the t-bones look great but their grindplates seem so detailed that if they get even some mud in them they will not work anymore.

Dec 26, 2003Scalier

...what does the a-sides look like?
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