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Best Soap Shoe and Plates?
Feb 27, 2007 by Ohanzee

Just wanted to know what you guys think are the best Soap Shoe's, and what plates are the best. I'll be getting some soon and wanted to know what you guys thought.

Feb 27, 2007RamenRadio

A-Sides, broadsides, ordinances, SYLONS, boltar, scorcher, express, T-bone.

Octanes, slo bros, T-Bone

Feb 27, 2007kobansora

What size are you? I'd go with the expresses and ordinances if I were under size 13.. But if you're hardcore enough to search for the rest, go for what Ramen Radio listed.

Good luck looking for the good plates though lol, unless Steve has them in your size. BBKs will be the most common plates, along with UHF plates.


Feb 27, 2007Ohanzee

im size 10.5 US so about 11 in soaps. but i'm trying to keep the price rather low on my first pair because i expect to thrash them... since im new... the ordinance looks like a nice shoe and i love orange, but its size 10. i think that might be a little small... im tring to keep the price around $50 (including shipping) hard to do...

Feb 27, 2007Ohanzee

(sorry for double post)
I already bought some navy blue BBK 9/10 plates because i was guna see if i could mod some of my old skate shoes into soaps. but i duno.. it wouldnt be that hard... but i duno if that is legal...

Feb 27, 2007Surfaced

Octanes were the best by far, but don't count on getting those... or at least soon. So for now, good plates are either BBKs or Slo-Bros. Avoid UHF Originals if you can.

Feb 27, 2007kobansora

Modding your old skate shoes??! LOL! Would've killed your feet with some maximum uncomfortability. I hope that makes sense...

Anyways, you should check out eBay's Southern Belt Shop or order from Sonicandpals if you want something cheaper and closer than the UK lol. Then when you get more hardcore and have more money, order from the UK.


Feb 27, 2007Hattmac02

i dnt get why the uk has all the good shoes, like the safron scabs. I would buy them but they are too expensive to ship

Feb 27, 2007shdook

The best shoe that you are going to be able to find is the ordnace. Read about them in the shoe section they are great shoes, as for plates I recommend slo-bros.

Feb 27, 2007SonicSoaper

The Ord-Slob-Bro combo is considered godly in the Soap community.

Feb 27, 2007matrix8967

I'm all about some BBK. plane jane, durable, etc. I like my scabs, because the hard heel makes them fit better than my others.


Feb 27, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, I like the BBK a lot. I didn't list them because I don't think they are the "Best", but I do like the BBKs

Feb 27, 2007kobansora

Yeah the BBKs are a bit on the regular side. They have good lock on and all and last a long time, but I think I'd rather get the Octanes b/c of the grooves. Nice grooves :O


Feb 27, 2007RamenRadio

Oh of course, octanes before BBK :D octanes rule!

Feb 27, 2007matrix8967

hells yeah. I like curb busters depending on what I'm doing. I switch plates all the time. It depends on what I'm soaping.


Feb 27, 2007RamenRadio

I wish I had more plates so I could do that!!! :( Maybe Deel can hook me up with some more plates. Off to email!

Feb 28, 2007matrix8967

I've got 3 pairs of BBK, one UHF pair, some Slo-bro's and 2 sets of Maxwell's. The only plates I don't have a Curbbusters, and Octanes. I want curbbusters. I've used them, but i don't own any. I've never used octanes. I want some Prabas bad.


Feb 28, 2007RamenRadio

I'd rather have Octane plates instead of Prabas lol
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