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Soaping at the mall.
Feb 28, 2007 by vmn551

Theres a few good ledges at the mall ive soaped, theyre realllly slippery so you can go pretty far. However theres all those damn rentacops there so theyre always trying to shit on my parade. The were on my tail after a nice frontside, follwed me all the way till i went and hid in a gamestop haha.

Feb 28, 2007Shadic

Nice job evading the mall tards. Its just like that at my school. (Except no gaurds) In the boys locker room, there's this seat-like bench that's so slippery, you could grind all the way to the end. Then there's the lunchroom. Just as slippery on the steps and the curbs.

Feb 28, 2007AnthoFlex

One time i cleared this 2 marble bench thing at the mall and the security guard was like:

"Hey kid, dunt do that, be happy that we let you roll with your Heelys.....just dunt slide on the benches"

And i say, "Sorry dude....but, you know...these AREN'T Heelys...*explains what Soapshoes were"

"Hmm, those sound pretty nice, i should get a pair for my 2 sons, where do they sell them?"

"Go to myspace.com/Soapshoes and click on the Soapshoes Store Link"

"Thanx kid, just dunt "GRIND" the benches, ok? You are gonna get in trouble"

"No prob dude, l8r"

and thats all ya gotta do ; )

Feb 28, 2007SonicSoaper


Feb 28, 2007kobansora

Nice anthoflex! Whahahha


Feb 28, 2007shdook

The mall is the best place to grind for me, theres a ton of sick ledges, benches you'd think they made just for soaping along with a nice low cresent ledge and one thats soo fucking sick!

Feb 28, 2007Slidey

thats like what I do with security guards, just I come back an hour later
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