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General help
Mar 4, 2007 by Joshua3109

my shoes are on order and should be here in a week or two. Anything i should keep in mind for when i get them. uhhhhh... like general care and maintenance. O another thing. I love lookin at reviews of products that im getting, could anyone if they know of a link to a review of this shoe post it? Thanks a ton everyone

Mar 4, 2007kobansora

What shoe did you get?

Just make sure not to do cess slides and tweaked grinds on ledges and concrete.. I screwed up my Boltars doing those :O No more!


Mar 5, 2007SapAuthor

You can click on "Shoes" and then on hte express to see what people think of hte shoe.

Maintenence is mainly don't grind on rough surfaces and cement unpainted curbs, really tears up the plates.

Mar 5, 2007Joshua3109

o ok haha. sorry o forgot to add the name of the shoes. they are the expresses
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