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Mar 10, 2007 by SapAuthor

Renny and I are making the new SOAP site, and we are adding a photo section. If you have a sick SOAP photo (really good quality plz) email it to anthoflex@yahoo.com to be reviewed. 32 Pictures will be placed in the new SOAP site.

I know most woudl say just take them from this site, but these are copyright broox, so we need them from you.

Thank you :-)

Mar 10, 2007AnthoFlex

First come, first serve for 32 photos people.

We will evaluate which ones will be good enough. Remember, credit will be given to those who submit sick photos

and those on SSS will get their points racked up for submitting sick stuff

Mar 10, 2007ordnanceflint91

hey Renny i sent 3 pics in that i have submitted to solidgrind but they never got posted guess they arent good enough but u can decide if they are worth it

Mar 10, 2007ordnanceflint91

sorry was supposed to say i sent 3 pics to you that i had submitted to solidgrind

Mar 10, 2007AnthoFlex

oh, i forgot to mention, if 32 photos come in, and 20 arent good enough, there will still be those spots left.

So get your stuff in PEOPLE!

Mar 11, 2007Rynasty

I just sent in some good ones... But what are these for? rebuilding soapshoes.com ?

Mar 11, 2007Slidey

Yeah I think. I mean they wouldn't really need real sick pics for anything else.

Mar 11, 2007Rynasty

Word. Well if that's what they're for I might actually go out to get new pictures.

Mar 11, 2007SapAuthor

The new site will be used in soapshoes.com (meaning anyone who goes to the site they see on our favorite SOAP stickers will see YOUR pic), as well as be on myspace.com/soapshoes, and most likely soaps.sonicandpals.com, me and him are working to build the omega uber soap site, it will be sicker than eating cow pies with ur feet.

Mar 11, 2007Rynasty

Sounds tight. I don't even know (or really care) if I'm on the soap team anymore, but I'm definitely glad they decided to put some ACTUAL soapers in charge of some shit. If things seem to be going in the right direction then I will continue to support you guys however I can. First step is getting some more sick pictures...

Mar 11, 2007Rynasty

And videos. I think kids have been really deprived of seeing quality videos of soaping these days. Remember relate..?

Mar 11, 2007Slidey

We're all trying. Ryan that 20-30 step handrail you royaled in the BIS vid was sick. I think that would make an awesome pic.

Also, Renny would you mind sending me oNe and tWo like you said you would do some time ago?
I need to know how hard I gotta practice.

Mar 11, 2007AnthoFlex

This is a turn in emotions for you Ryan huh?

But seriously, thanx for sending in your pix. I think its safe to say that they are most likely gonna have a place on 32 pictures.

Yea, we are making the most progress now more than ever.

Hopefully, me, Trev, and Steve get the Soapshoes.com rights

Mar 11, 2007AnthoFlex

By the way, for those who are submitting pics, PLEASE keep them as good of quality as possible.

Please try not submit blurry pictures.

If they look like this, its fine:


Mar 11, 2007Rynasty

I have no idea what a turn in the emotions could mean, but I am surprised that they are letting you re-design their website. It sounds like soap might be finally doing things the right way. We'll see.

Mar 13, 2007AnthoFlex

for real, lol

back to top

Mar 14, 2007SonicSoaper

Hold on, HSL is actually LETTING YOU DO THIS!? SICK!

Mar 14, 2007AnthoFlex

I told you,

We, the Revivers, dunt F*** around

Mar 14, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah, I called Brooks today (she's the marketing manager of HSL), and told her about the site. She did have any opposition to it, she just needs to okay the site, and we are talking to the guy who can have it uploaded and stuff. I'll tell you what Brooks says about the site, i gave her some samples of what we are working on.

Mar 14, 2007ordnanceflint91

hell yeah trevor. that kicks ass. i hope everything goes well for the site

Mar 14, 2007SonicSoaper

Two Brookses? Super weird.

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

BACK TO TOP, we are almost done with the page, start submitting your stuff people!

Everything good you got, send dat shit in!

Mar 28, 2007Slidey

Yeah cool Renny, I got a few pics for you man, but I start my hols on saturday so thats when truckloads of pics will come in lol,

I'm gonna be Soaping easter away =]

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Slidey, send in as MANY pix as you want, but remember, the limit you'll have of pix of you will be like 2 or 3.

But the more you send in, the more sick pix we have to choose with

Remember, 32 photos people, and it will rotate each other week or so

Mar 28, 2007Mart

I would suggest that you only choose one photo from each person, unless they're something spectacular. It'll look a lot sleeker that way, and hopefully you'll end up with a bit more variation in the number of tricks you're featuring by doing it that way

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

all i know is we better get some more photos in, renny and i have been working on the site, and it's nearing completion, it's going to be way past SICK, with a video tutorial on almost all the tricks (cept like sidewalk, acid sidewalk, and christ grind). Not only that, but we got st louis demo, best of DEOS, and one other (forgot which) on there for easy viewing pleasure.

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, I;ve been thinking that already

Thats why i want people to send in a bunch of their stuff in so we can choose the best.

Mart, why dunt u send in sumthing?

Mar 29, 2007OT

Believe me, I would if I could, but right now I'm just not good enough.

Mar 29, 2007Mart

Oh trust me, I will do

Trev, would you mind adding a mirror to soapshoes.info for those videos? If your site maxes out, people will be able to download them from there

Nice work on the video tutorials too; looks like us boys at UKFSW have got some competition ;)

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Mart, We have links going to every major Soapshoes site already, haha. My Soap brotha, we got you covered ;)

Me and Trev are almost done with all of the new stuff we are putting in to the site.

We are going to put in Soapshoes.info as mirror anywayz (videos section was done weeks ago), all i ask in return is that you take back the "It looks like a bunch of Soap stickers chewed and spit out" comment....That was sum fucked up shit.

As for the video tutorials, they are kinda cheesy, its just meant to show what the tricks look like from close up.

Basically, in the tutorials, I did it kinda like a Tony Hawk's Trick Tips video... You see me explaining the trick, The name, what it is, how it looks, how to do it, Then it cuts to a video showing the trick. Cheesy- Yes
informative-yes haha

Mar 29, 2007Mart

That comment was aimed at the MySpace page dude, I found it a complete headache to look at. It's mostly the hectic background though, from what I remember; if you made it plain black then it'd be much easier on the eye

Apr 1, 2007AnthoFlex

Dude, the new site we are working on is gonna be MUCH easier on the eyes. But right now we need photos to be sent in otherwise we cant do ANYTHING

Apr 1, 2007AnthoFlex

and i know it was aimed at the myspace. and thats the site we are working on....and then after that, Soapshoes.com

come on people, send in your best stuff! We need more Soaping photos! Whether you think they are good or not, send them in anywayz, we'll decide if they are good enough

Apr 1, 2007SapAuthor

Yeah mart, don't judge the myspace page because yes, the current one is unorganized, me and renny agree, and it is hard on the eyes, that's why we are making the new one, which Renny is doing an amazing job designing, and with my coding background we are making it really functional. Best part, for soapshoes.com, we can have all the pages external on my site (sonicandpals.com), so when we need to make changes we dont' need to go through HSL.

Apr 1, 2007AnthoFlex

It LOOKS unorganized but i had to plan what you see there for weeks.

But yea, this new one will look FAR from "Chewed up and spit out Soap stickers"


Apr 3, 2007AnthoFlex

People, the site is almost done, the only thing holding us back is the photos section!


Apr 3, 2007Surfaced

If you really need em, I sent you a couple copies of James Ross on that 60ft rail... a large version and a low resolution.

Apr 3, 2007AnthoFlex

Dudes, send in ANYTHING, you, your friends, even your family members Soaping.

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper

I've got something sick do to on video. For some of the older Soapers, it may not be nick but for the new guys it'll be something nice for them to look at.

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper

*it may not be new/sick

Apr 3, 2007AnthoFlex

AJ, i already put in your Royale, and Keith's UFO into the 32 photos, you guys have a secure spot in there

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper

Nice, but I eman something for video I'll be doing at the demo.

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper


Apr 30, 2007AnthoFlex

what happened? you guys don't have any more pix? we still need a pictures section

Apr 30, 2007RamenRadio

I'm giving you some on friday. Hopefully those will come out good :D

Apr 30, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea i'm not to good yet but if soon i get better i'll try to send em

Apr 30, 2007SonicSoaper

Travis went bonkers and tooka ll the pics off the E.O.B. myspace. Things will be normal soon.

May 1, 2007rhinoskater30

Maybe I'll send some with me on my new rail. It's kinked, but the bad part is, is that it was missing a leg so I can't make it kinked yet, it can only be flat. :( But we are contacting the company to get another.

May 1, 2007SonicSoaper

Uh, you might want to just practice on there. PR pics aren't exactly looked at as "sick".

May 1, 2007kobansora

Sick would be like.... Doing a backslide on an ultra long rail... that's straight.


May 1, 2007rhinoskater30

i know, but there is that pic of that kid....

May 1, 2007RamenRadio

Kurt and Eddy have a 15 foot rail in the back on the ground, would that be okay Renny?

May 1, 2007AnthoFlex

what are you talking about?

to bring to the demo? If you wanna bring a rail to the demo, it will be greatly appreciated, with this new number of expected people, i highly doubt that the 4 park rails are gonna be enough

May 1, 2007RamenRadio

I'll try. But I'm saying would that be okay to use for pics?

May 1, 2007AnthoFlex

practice rails? ehhh....umm, letme see them first, but i dunt think so, you guys gotta do sumthing better than that.

a handrail or sick ledge

May 1, 2007rhinoskater30

I wish there were really good, and high quality rails, or things to slide on that weren't so expensive. Go to that Woodward.com if you haven't they have some sick stuff I wanna grind.

May 1, 2007Mart

Never use practice rail pictures for featuring, I don't think there's anything weaker

May 1, 2007rhinoskater30

This could sound bad, but it's not meant that way, but, Mart, was that aimed at me, or was that just in general.

May 2, 2007AnthoFlex

it was aimed in general but i think he was responding to Ramenradio's comment.

May 2, 2007RamenRadio

Its not a practice rail, it's just something we found lying around. I'm not too sure else where to look. The only places I can really try besides queens is:

The friendly's rail (I'm pretty sure I'm not ready though)
The bike racks
A crappy curb
and some very nice rails at citibank park

But I'm not too sure if I can grind on the rails at citibank park either. The only way I'll even try is if I bring a helmet. I'll give it a try though.

May 2, 2007RamenRadio

Oh yes, I forgot the CVS spot. I should just try it, but I'm not sure who else can be there to take the pics. I gotta ask around.

May 2, 2007SpiderSoaper

wat's the new soap site's name anyway?

May 2, 2007Surfaced

Theres not going to be one. This thread no longer has a purpose.

May 2, 2007RamenRadio

WHAT? What do you mean? Why would this thread be bumped if there wasn't going to be another site? elaborate please

May 3, 2007RamenRadio


May 3, 2007RamenRadio


May 3, 2007RamenRadio

Will someone PLEASE tell me what is going on...

May 3, 2007Mart

There isn't going to be a new soapshoes.com. I presume these pictures are going to go on the flash page

May 3, 2007AnthoFlex

Yep, Mart's got it.

But even i wouldnt speak so soon. Steve is going to talk to HSL. And Steve usually gets his way

May 4, 2007RamenRadio

I hope he does

May 4, 2007Tasslehoff

I'll try to get a good pic, but I only know of 1 place that would get the job done...
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Wasted Neighbor hittin a Drunken Frontside
Derek Brooks hittin a Royale
Mike Sharp hittin a Frontside
Sequence of Andy Ford (Fordy) busting a 270 backside royale during the recent UKFSW Ipswich trip.
Louis Selby styling out a tweaked UFO for the cameras during the UKFSW Ipswich trip.