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Goa help needed
Mar 12, 2007 by schizotango

Hi Im from singapore and im lookin at gettin a pair of Goa Mist US size 6. How much wld it be and is gettin it online the only way? Serious buyer... aint just askin for fun

Mar 12, 2007RamenRadio

I've seen size 6 goa's on ebay quite a bit. You definitely need to keep your eye on ebay for just about ANY soap shoe.

Mar 12, 2007Surfaced

Kates Skates ships Soap shoes world wide, although it is expensive.


Go there and search "Soap". Pick the colorway of Goa that you like, both are about 235 SGD. With shipping to Singapore, Mist Goas will be 321.58 SGD.

I Hope this was helpful to you.

Mar 13, 2007schizotango

Thanks. Oh my... 321SGD 's well steep for a pair of shoes... ohmy ohmy... guess I gotta keep my eye on ebay than.

Mar 13, 2007AnthoFlex

Fuck kateskates, stupid UK currency

Mar 13, 2007Slidey

Fuck kateskates?? =O I got my chaos from there!

I know the UK currency is a bit steep, I mean I bought my 1st (and cheapest) soaps for about £34 which is around $65 for you guys.

And my chaos were £64 which means they would be about $123 for you guys! It just shows us UK people love our soaps more =P

Mar 13, 2007Surfaced

Kate's Skates and all of those UK shops are great... if you live in the UK. Most of them refuse to ship out of Europe, and if they do ship internationally, its going to set you back a shitload. If I wanted a simply pair of Scabs from Kate's, it would set me back around $200.

Mar 13, 2007AnthoFlex

not to mention that "Royal Mail" or sumshit going to US is $22 shipping

Mar 14, 2007kobansora

WHat pisses me off is that I waited almost three months for my Goas: Never came.

You know what else pisses me off? Some asshole ordered Goas from Southernbelt and is now selling them for twice the price he bought it for..... Fucker. How bout being an honest buyer and actually use them instead of pull off shit like that. I actually WANTED those shoes.


Mar 14, 2007AnthoFlex

*cough* gmbus *cough*

Mar 14, 2007kobansora

Yeah I saw who gmbus is.

Do you guys know who this asshole is? Because I am severely pissed and I'm going to resort to buying some Scabs or badgering my friends for Goas.


Mar 14, 2007Surfaced

Wow, I had no idea... what a god damn dickface. Trying to profit from our desperate situation.

Mar 14, 2007SonicSoaper

Isn't there some way to refuse a bid on eBay or is money most people think about today? Yes, I realise how stupid this question is. Just want to see if there are any other people in the room with the same beliefs about like and it's morbid fuck dance with money.

Mar 15, 2007sam

I just noticed something... Those goas are going for around $82, as well as some of gmbus's other items. This means people must still want soaps pretty badly right?

Mar 15, 2007SonicSoaper

Supply and demand, Sam. Supply and demand.

Mar 15, 2007sam

Yeah, which is why we need to get HSL to make more models.

Mar 15, 2007SonicSoaper

No we don't. Knowing HSL, they'll basically crap out a few hundred copies of the Express again.

Mar 15, 2007kobansora

I'll WRITE a formal business letter to them. A REAL letter. You don't know how much an actual, formal, giving-them-the-benefit-of-the-doubt letter will change. I don't know if you all actually tried this yet, but please let me try. I have a chance to earn extra credit for writing a letter like this too... So I'll probably do good both ways?

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