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Yall, Seriously. Remember the Point
Mar 15, 2007 by broox

what is the deal with soap shoes forums being full of flaming? why is everyone so big headed about how much work they put into helping soap?

ok think about this for a second. are you trying to help soap for yourself? or for soap? the answer is obviously, for soap, right?

so really, who cares who has the best site, the best myspace, the most photos, etc. if any of you have ever hung out and talked to the original relate crew or chris morris you understand what i'm talking about. soaps are about fun, they are about doing something out of the norm, they are about being chill... ultimately, just having fun. not, "yo! i do more than you to make soap better!" it was more about "hey wanna drive around today, look at girls? maybe session a rail or 2?"

i'm rambling. but seriously. we all love grinding, we all love playing with soap shoes. and just because some people don't post here 10x a day or take photos weekly, that doesn't mean we're not out soaping/spreading the word.

me for example, i still wear soaps nearly every day. if i walk past a ledge, i slide it. why? because it's fun. not because i want to get popular off of the years of work i put into soap sites, demos, promotion, etc.

this is not a jab at anyone. i'm just saying, enjoy your freaking shoes. have some fun.

someone posted a fairly cheesy article about soaps being a brotherhood. no offense to whoever wrote it, but even though it is slightly cheesy, it's true... being involved in soap is a sort of brotherhood. i've made tons of friends off it, i know most of you have too.

so yeah, i'm rambling still - trying to avoid a meeting ;) ...stupid full time jobs.

after this big ol forum post, i'm half tempted to go slide some rails instead.

Mar 15, 2007ordnanceflint91

I agree with you. i can still remember back in 98-00 when me and all my friends soaped. it was always fun. plus soap shoes brought some of us together that otherwise wouldnt have talked. it helped bring alot of people together to have fun. soaping to me is the best thing ever. im not gonna let it get away from me. ill soap as long as i can til i get too old to do it. thankfully im only 21 so i got some years of soaping left lol. but yeah soaping is a great thing. we all need to remember what its all about.

And Derek, speaking of pics, i submitted like 2 pics to solidgrind. trying to help get some new media posted.

Mar 15, 2007sam

I agree with you %100! Im bringing this back up to the top

Mar 15, 2007JeiHeirumaru

Soap will live on forever!

Mar 15, 2007JeiHeirumaru

Soap will live on forever!

Mar 15, 2007matrix8967

you're right. I just have a thirst to help more. I'm not trying to help more than anyone, i'm trying to help more than what I'm doing now but i have limited resources. Just today a little kid was like "gah, those shoes are stupid i like heely's" and I was like "well, I grew up with soaps...i'm sure if i where your age, i'd like heely's too...it's kinda like how every kid thinks their mom is the best cook..." and he was like "i bet you can't even grind a rail" i was like "name it, i'll do it just for you." he pointed to a 5 step rail and I soaped it and he said "cool, maybe i should get some of those" (touching huh? lol)

I do agree with derek. I don't remember who said it...and I'm to lazy to tab through all the pics and forum posts to find it right now, but they said (I think dunc...said it)
"Soaping is something you do when you're out, not something you go out to do." and I don't make special trips to soap, but If i know of a good rail and me and my friends have our soaps, then we're like "let's go get something to eat, hit some rails, kick it at the house?" I'm hardcore about soap. have been for a long time. but I think people are seeing "maybe i can get popular doing this!" and try to do it.
I just remember back in the day with my friends soaping. I want to keep that feeling with my new friends (the others moved away) so I have bought alot of people soaps now. infact, i'm gonna post some on the face book group soon.


Mar 15, 2007SonicSoaper

Half-tempted? Go for it! As far as Soaping goes for me, it's something I love to do. Ask anyone who's talked to me outside of this site and they'll probably say something. Not sure what, but it'll be something.

Mar 15, 2007Sigma

Great post, I agree 100%.

I just Soap because I love it, plain and simple.

Mar 16, 2007AnthoFlex

yea... i guess ur right...

sorry to anyone i flamed or put down...

Mar 16, 2007AnthoFlex

and its true, ive made a lot of friends by Soaping. all at the same time of keeping the good name alive....it gives me a good feeling.

Whether or not we do it for fun, we gotta keep the good name alive

Mar 16, 2007SapAuthor

I agree also. We are all part of this thing together, the only problem i have is if you do nothing, but as long as your doing something then no one should say any crap about anything. Even so, we shoudln't be putting our fellow soapers down.

If ppl are doing extra stuff for soap, tell them thanks and that they are appreciated, but don't downplay people who don't have as much time or what not. Even myself, I haven't been able to soap in a loooong time cuz i've been so busy raising money. I'm doing what i can though.

Mar 16, 2007Slidey

Derek may ranble,but he sure knows what hes talking about.

Mar 18, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah, except for this part.

i'm half tempted to go slide some rails instead.

Why isn't he fully tempted? :p

Mar 18, 2007sam

O.k, dude im sure derek would want to go out and slide some rails, but I dont think he would be to happy when he gets fired for ditching work.

Mar 18, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah, true. He's got to make the green somehow.

Mar 19, 2007SapAuthor

lol i have a rail inside, and i STILL dont' have much time to soap -.- once i get these web sites built, including hte new SOAP one that Renny is working on (i'm helping), maybe i can finally get back to SOAPing :D

Mar 20, 2007SonicSoaper

That would nice. Besides, you've got a webcomic to do too. I know what that's like.

Jul 16, 2008Spano565

Bump. I think it's important and we should all remember what it's about.

Jul 25, 2008Sakkage

Good idea- I think this thread is one of the better ones i've seen on this site. Keep it real!

Aug 28, 2008Louis

I havent soaped since the last time us UKFSW guys met up, which I think was back in april '06! I saw dunc a few months ago though, but we didn't soap, just hung out.
I still check up on this site every now and then just to see what the state of soaping is, see the pictures, and smile at all the great memories it brings back.
I remember back in the late 90's when i started, just hanging out with my mate Josh, chilling out, going around the area, hitting up some rails and benches, chilling some more. And then the UKFSW guys, all of us from different parts of the country united by soapshoes and this wondrous thing called the internet.
Soaps always was and always will be about having fun.
I may not soap anymore, but I'll always be a soaper!
Soapshoes for life.
UKFSW for life.

Mar 8, 2009Revengasaur

Bump for great justice!

Mar 9, 2009Kooksoaper13

Thanks for bumping this, as it needs to be heard throuout the soap community.
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Drunk guy attracts a crowd of people.
Zach larson with a Christ Grind in a Des Moines parking garage
Zack Rickey hittin a Hitting the coolest rail in Iowa City
victor hittin a who gives a shit?
Jim hittin a Frontside down 30 steps!