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Soapshoes on Fuel TV!
Mar 20, 2007 by AnthoFlex

My friend just saw sum kid soaping on Fuel TV while Danny Falla (5boro member, cool dude as well) was doing a line.

Im heading over tomorrow after school to get the episode from my friend....i dunno how he got it, but thank god

Mar 20, 2007SonicSoaper

Cool! Was this local because I never heard of Fuel TV.

Mar 20, 2007SonicSoaper

Cool! Was this local because I never heard of Fuel TV.

Mar 20, 2007SonicSoaper


Mar 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Fuel TV is a channel

Mar 20, 2007RamenRadio

Haha, that's awesome, my dream come true. Now it just has to be on every night XD

Mar 20, 2007AnthoFlex


i was at my friends house today and he showed me the clip.

Its a sk8 video and all of a sudden is a clip of sum kid Grinding a Sk8 park rail with a pair of MB Tanks. i recognized the shoe instantly

INSANE UP STATUS FOR SOAP! Do you guys know how many extreme sports teenagers watch fuel TV?

i believe they are re-running it tonight

Mar 20, 2007sam

What channel and time will it be on?

Mar 20, 2007Surfaced

yes, please tell us the airing time.

Mar 20, 2007AnthoFlex

Its called "The Captain and Casey Show"

im going to look for the clip now

Mar 20, 2007siuol7

I think it's gonna be on at 7am tommorow
but it might be a different episode

Mar 21, 2007Jard39

what channel

Mar 21, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah, what channel is it for iO subscribers?

Mar 21, 2007AnthoFlex

dunno, dunt really care....i dunt have cable so i really dunt care wether i see it or not...as long as there are Soapshoes, and not Heelys, i can sit back and sleep easy

Mar 21, 2007AnthoFlex

the last fuckign thing i need to see is a Heeler Grinding in a sk8 video...thats a desgrace to both my passions

Mar 21, 2007James

oooh that turns me on

Mar 21, 2007SonicSoaper

No it doesn't. Heelers trying to grind is like reading anything written by a six year old.
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