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Oct 21, 2003 by Jordan_Thompson


check out the sequences, and the video, and some new pics.


Oct 21, 2003Collin


Oct 21, 2003Smokey

shut up just SHUT UP! OMFG I'M GOING TO CRY JUST SHUT THE HELL UP!!! PLEASE!!! You don't need to tell us about every little weak as shit fucking update you do on your god forsakken site. Why don't you put out some fucking media that will make us want to keep checking your site for updates. Take me for example. I've never once posted an article or anything about new pics on my site. We put out decent enough pictures to make people want to come back to our site. ahfvkdjvbdsahgdbkgsi wheres the fucking soap video... You know I was thinking of giving you a break but now I can see why everyone else hates you so much...

Oct 21, 2003Smokey

Sorry I just had to get that out of my system. But seriously Jordan, go away. Just go man. Go...

Oct 21, 2003mike

i like how its not urban freestyle running or what not anymroe, its parkour now, take note...parkour is cool, but geez, anyone can do what you guys did

Oct 21, 2003Jordan_Thompson

Sure people could do it (not anyone, there are a lot of people around here who try, but can't do ANYTHING, not even jump up onto the railing). Hell, I bet some skateboarders can ollie higher than they jump. But it's fun as hell -- It's not like I am submitting any "big media". If you don't like my topics -- just don't look at them. Those who still look at it, just still do it.

Oct 21, 2003Mart

You don't need to submit it since, no-one in their right mind would feature it because they thought it was good

Like Ryan said, if people want to go to your site, they'll go to it. You're only attracting more hate by alerting everyone to your shit media

And that video... the poorness of it goes beyond words. For once, I am speechless

Oct 21, 2003mike

Look, I am a huge advocate of jumping off of stuff. I even have video of me jumping off roofs and stuff, its fun, but I'm not going around trying to look cool cause I do it. I respect people who can jump off huge ass ledges and do flips and stuffstuff, but doing a handplant over a waist high rail isnt that hard.

Oct 21, 2003mike

Oh yeah, also, I dont think any of your topics have gotten any positive responses on this site

Oct 21, 2003Mart

I don't think anything Jordan-related has ever got a positive reponse on here

Oct 22, 2003C.Strife

dude mart was speachless dude jordan that movie must have fuckin blew ass.... to avoid further flaming by everyone just like die actually just never come here again

Oct 22, 2003aaron

i find it kinda sad that you participate in this activity, yet people who dont do what you do could probably do a lot better first try... i guarantee that every single trick you did there involving a spin, i'd be able to 540 or 720 (and i suck at spinning)... if you found other people they'd be doing 540s-900s everytime on those rail-jumps without thinking anything of it, or doing flips, seriously, how can you not be doing flips with stuff like that? You could atleast jump on a picnic table, run across and misty off or something, it's actually pretty easy... well, not really but if you fall it doesnt hurt, just ask dave from detroitfsw...---------------------------------------------- moral of the story is: the activity your doing is pretty gay, and your lack of talent in your choice-activity makes it even gayer

Oct 22, 2003Mart

I could most certainly 360 out of that wall thing over that rail... 540 at a push. And forward flips at the least are, like, a piece of piss
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