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Need a specific model...
Mar 23, 2007 by Zourdo

Yea, im a novice, and im looking for a model that has plates going both ways on the shoe.

Im getting more into soaping, and i need to know what i can upgrade to. Thnx

Mar 23, 2007AnthoFlex

both ways?

Mar 23, 2007Zourdo

nevermind, im being n00by

im looking for some broadsides or T-bones.

most likely gonna get T-bones tho

someone can delee this

Mar 23, 2007AnthoFlex

dude, dunt even worry about it. Everyone is a "noob" at one time.

Sadly you cant find any of those two anywhere....But The Revivers and I are working on a re-inroduction of the Broadsides....and so far, its looking pretty promising

Mar 23, 2007RamenRadio

So basically, sit tight until HSL takes us seriously. :D

Mar 23, 2007AnthoFlex

oh believe me, they are taking us seriously now

Mar 23, 2007RamenRadio

:D very good to hear!

Mar 23, 2007kobansora

Really Anthoflex? OMG! If broadsides come out, I will worship you. But they have to be size 12..


Mar 23, 2007Surfaced

Eh... If you really really want them Zourdo, you could buy some T-Bones from the UK for like $200.
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Bart Johnson hittin a Frontside outside of the Moline pool
Mark hittin a frontside at work
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Aaron Stunkard hittin a Sliding a pink handrail
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