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Favorite Trick?
Mar 24, 2007 by rhinoskater30

What is your favorite grind trick? Mine's a cheesegrater.

Mar 24, 2007AnthoFlex

didnt i make a post for this...? Oh well, probably in hell- 2 pages down haha

But as for me, my favorite tricks are:

Makio, Royale, KindGrind

the first two always stay the same, the 3rd keeps changing

Mar 24, 2007matrix8967

yeah, kind grinds are awesome. I'm working on a christ grind and a cheese grater...i've almost got both down...but farfs, UFO's and Royales are the ones i can do down pat...


Mar 24, 2007Hattmac02

My favorites would have to be-
Cheese Grater

Mar 24, 2007Slidey

My fav on Soaps is Farf
My fav on blades (or 2nd fav on soaps if I had broadsides) would be mizou/sweat stance
3rd fav is Cheesegrater

Mar 24, 2007sam

My favorite grind on soaps is a christ grind.

Mar 25, 2007heelyhailey

well my favorite grind is cheesegrater

Mar 25, 2007matrix8967

sam, can you help me with my christ grind? just tell me slo-mo step by step what you do...i can do it on small ledges like parking blocks...but thats about all. i'd really appreciate it.


Mar 25, 2007AnthoFlex

I finally learned Backslides today....which is actually pretty amazing...you dunt normally see sumone who strickly goes Front-foot first doing backslides...

Christ Grinds after learning backslides arent too hard, but you should watch out, if you stress it too much, your front foot may kick or push your sliding foot of the plate into a face-plant

Mar 25, 2007kobansora

No way haha! I tried fastslides today becasue I just bought some curb wax... I have the balance but I can't get the grab :O

But my favorite grind is the UFO, and right next to that is the Royal. UFOs are so stylish woohoo! If I had broadsides, my favorite movie would be a Makio.


Mar 25, 2007Mart

Dude, how can you say Christ Grinds aren't hard to learn after backslides when you've only just learnt how to do the latter? The balance point is totally different; Christ Grinds are a lot less forgiving because you can't use your leading leg as a counterweight

Mar 25, 2007Slidey

Mart is right, Backslides are pretty easy if you compare them to Christ Grinds

Mar 25, 2007AnthoFlex

Mar 25, 2007SonicSoaper

Favorite tricks eh?

Royale, UFO, BS Farf

Mar 25, 2007AnthoFlex

R u guys still coming over next week?

Mar 25, 2007sam

I just wrote up a christ grind tutorial, if anyone wants to see it e-mail me at pendelton@adelphia.net

Mar 25, 2007matrix8967

yeah the tutorial is awesome. you guys should check it out. awesome work sam


Mar 26, 2007SonicSoaper

Next week, maybe. Depends if we find someone to take us.

Mar 26, 2007kobansora

I'll email you later.

My new favorite trick: Backside grinds :O


Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor

Dude, thanks to Renny, I got a couple more tricks.

I'm starting to get the hand of the Royale, but need some work on both it and Farf.

BUUUUT, I tried to do a CG, and i actually did it, and can do it easily :D It's actually a lot simpler than i thought. ^.^

Mar 26, 2007kobansora

Royales are easy as hell for me but farfs....


Mar 26, 2007matrix8967

I can do:

Farf, UFO, Royale, Powerslide(glide), Kind Grind, Mizuo...some others, but i don't feel like going to the trictionary to find out...


Mar 26, 2007AnthoFlex

Trev, ur Farfs are perfect

Mar 26, 2007JeiHeirumaru

My faves are: Farf,Mizuo,Royale,and Frontside. I'm practicing on some other ones,but those four are my faves. They make the homeys say "HO!" and the girlies want to scream.. lol

Mar 26, 2007JeiHeirumaru

Oh yeah,another onea my faves is Drag Queen

Mar 26, 2007kobansora

I wish I could do drag queens :c

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SSCFSW Sam hittin a Frontside
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