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Just a small idea, wonder what you all think
Mar 26, 2007 by SapAuthor I was looking at inline skates, and i see you can have boots of the skateas seperate from the wheels, so you can modify and stuff. The main problem with Heelys is they are SOOOO uncomfertable, it hurts to heel, and you cant get any speed other than an initial take off, and you have to balance awkwardly. So, me and renny were talking, what would u guys say if they came out with a SOAP shoe, taht you can attach a solid plate that had two real inline skates on hte front and back, and still allowed you to grind with your plates. The wheel plate would attach and cover the entire sole, so you woudln't ahve the balance issues, and you could go fast by simply doing the same motion inliners do, plus bigger plate, and you get SOAPs uber comfertable feel because in essence, they are still SOAPs. And when you are done, you can detach the wheel plate, and you ahve your regular SOAP shoes. I'm labeling an unofficial copyright on this, don't want anyone taking hte idea, but i want to know what you all think? I could figure out a design that would not compromise the shoe's comfert, bendability, etc. What do you all say, may be a fun project to try to do :P maybe over the summer. Replies
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Mar 26, 2007kobansora
Except the wheels aren't detatchable there lol. But yeah,l it sounds like a good idea..
Just make them airgear style.
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Kind of like this
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 26, 2007Surfaced
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 26, 2007kobansora
I still think the airgear thing woudl look cool except with smaller wheels for grinding room..
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 26, 2007kobansora
But huh... Making a full freestyle frame like that would be cool.. But then you'd might as well buy inlines. The wider wheel space on the Soap blueprint looks kinda weird.... And unstable.
Mar 26, 2007kobansora
And you wouldn't have support like you said... But that will just make us that more hardcore.
Ahh allt hese posts lol
Mar 26, 2007Rynasty
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 26, 2007matrix8967
Mar 26, 2007kobansora
SapAuthor you don't know much about aggressive inlining do you lol. The plates are thin, but you don't exactly grind with just the plate. When you tweak, you have a backslide plate on your shell with a groove so you can do royales and stuff. You don't have to tweak it THAT much, to the point of touching the shell, but it all works really well... Today I was even at the skatepark and there was a guy who was aggrssive skating. He did unities and stuff and tweakage wasn't a problem. Don't assume things and talk about it like you know it :/ It annoys me when people do that.
Might as well buy some blades if you're gonna just take the frame.
Mar 26, 2007Jard39
Mar 26, 2007Jard39
Mar 26, 2007matrix8967
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
I'm looking, there is a system made by Xsjado (the picture above), which (i think) you can put any shoe in (they recommend their slipper shoes though), but the system still runs about 200 -.-and you don't use the SOAP plates, and you have to carry the entire shell, isntead of just a bottom plate.
I was thinking about that though, with the using already existant screws. I could either make a frame that would screw under the grind plate, or make the bottom system THE grind plate, meaning a seperate grind plate that is the entire sole and has the wheeles at the end, made of the nylon plastic or fiberglass, so you just unscrew your replacable plate, and screw on the wheel plate.
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 26, 2007JeiHeirumaru
Mar 26, 2007JeiHeirumaru
Mar 26, 2007JeiHeirumaru
Mar 26, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 31, 2007SapAuthor
Mar 31, 2007Go2Crew
Mar 31, 2007Slider388
kinda lacks use though. It would be damn awesome if the wheels could retract inside or somethin!
Mar 31, 2007Jard39
and we dont want a pair of heelys with a soap label on thembeing made
Mar 31, 2007SonicSoaper
Or those other old shoes with retractable wheels.