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Mar 27, 2007 by kobansora

Sooo yesterday I went to three different skate parks.

First skatepark was in Downtown Kirkland, Washington. I know some skaters there because they go to my school and they think that me Soaping is awesome. They're all cool with me and support it and stuff. And watch me bail sometimes.

Second skatepark was in Redmond. Now, the rails there were freaking awesome but the skate punks were assholes. They called us Soapers "fruity," and they never gave us any indications to move. I mean, I know to keep out of anybody's way if they're gonna skate, bmx, or w/e, but these kids were straight up assholes. They even yelled at some kids for skating in this one part of the park because "their friend was waiting all day to skate in it." Nobody asked anybody to move. It seems like they were planning to try to make me or one of my friends bail on one of our grinds. While some kids were cool with us, the other skater were pretty negative about Soaping.

Last park I went to was Woodinville Skatepark. I hated the rails there because there was almost nowhere to grind, but most of the people there gave really positive feedback. They were like, "Those are so cool" and "Where can I get a pair?" I even let a sponsored scooter kid try grinding but he couldn't tweak his feet enough to do an actual grind, but he says he's gonna grab a pair. I also met a guy who's friend used to be sponsored by Soap and I looked in the "People" section of this site to see if he was in there. I forgot his name, but I'm goin to go back and see if I can get his name again.

I went hella off topic in those paragraphs lol, but anyways, how do people react to you Soaping? A lot of kids think it's cool when I do it, but those stuck up bitchy "I think I'm SO cool" kids always bag on me about it. Today I grinded down the long kink next to my apartment (I'll get it later; Went down about 75% of it; Wax is godly) and my friend Pastor Al scolded me about it :P LOL

How do people react to you Soaping?


Mar 27, 2007AnthoFlex

Only one time i recieved shit from Soaping.

It was some poser sk8rs. It really got me ticked....but eventually i felt better because i found out the kid who almost got beaten up to shit at "Back to the Banks" (sk8 event) was one of the dudes giving me shit.

If you go to youtube, look up "Back to the banks" you'll find a lot of cool sk8 clips plus there should be videos where this kid talks shit to the Estilo crew and almosts gets fucked up.

Now that clip is in EVERY major sk8 video

Mar 27, 2007kobansora

NICE! Will do :P


Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

Everywhere that I have gone with my Soap shoes, people have said they were either "gay" or "Heelys". Yeah.
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Louis Selby, knocking out another frontside for the bystanders during the UKFSW Fleet trip.
Zack Ricky hittin a Frontside on a long, fat, kinked rail.
Ryan Armstrong hittin a Frontside
Darren McCall hittin a Royale
Zach hittin a makio at the Cedar Rapids demo