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Tornadoes : )
Mar 27, 2007 by matrix8967

Tornadoes are on thier way to my town...and just like every time tornadoes come...I pack up my Scabs, my Broadsides, all my plates, screws, keys, and my computer harddrive...the only things in my life I can't replace. I leave my Express and Ordnance, because I can replace those...I'm in for a wild 3 hours.


Mar 27, 2007matrix8967

oh yeah, and i'm wearing my cleans...because they're new, i love them, they are my favorites!


Mar 27, 2007rhinoskater30

Where you live? I live in San Antonio

Mar 27, 2007matrix8967

south of little rock AR

Mar 27, 2007Surfaced

You might want to consider packing your Ordnance shoes also.

Once Steve is sold out, the only people who will have them in stock are those dealers in the UK who force us to pay the shoes' United States MSRP, but in Pounds Sterling, granted that they are willing to ship them over here, and if they are, we have to pay an outrageous shipping toll in addition to the already-ludicrous amount they charge us for Soaps.

Mar 28, 2007matrix8967

I thought about that...but...it's a tornado...i want to pack light...and if I lost my ordnance, the first thing i'd do is call steve...however, i'm gonna get a bigger bag to pack with (i have an "oh shit!" bag which i pack for tornadoes, we get them all the time...) but until then, ordnance are gonna stay and be brave...


Mar 28, 2007SonicSoaper


Seems like it's hard to deal with. Grab those Ords.

Mar 28, 2007matrix8967

nah, i'm used to it. no biggy anymore.

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

Soaps, man's best friend.

Mar 28, 2007matrix8967

they're calling for more tornados later tonight and tomorrow.


Mar 28, 2007Mart

David, you can't argue with the pricing structure of UK distributors for charging rates geared to the UK market; Soap would have supplied the shoes at a much higher price to the UK market as the value of Sterling is almost twice that of USD. UK distributors can't halve their stock value just for overseas customers as they'd end up losing a ton of money by doing so. But, if you absolutely have to blame somebody, blame it on your government for flushing your country's economy down the pan ;)

Mar 28, 2007Surfaced


Mar 29, 2007Slider388

Hope that your house and everything and everyone you're leaving behind will stay intact!

Mar 29, 2007matrix8967

yeah, they're STILL calling for more...@_@ I may as well just leave them all packed up at this rate...

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