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WHAT THE HECK?!?! (from SapAuthor)
Mar 28, 2007 by SapAuthor

What the heck is up with everyone?!?!

We finally get SOAPs back, and everyoens selling out to Heely's now?

Posting and buying Heely's shoes, Vileta has a slipknot design with wheels on his myspace, Trey D got a pair and is telling everyone how great Heelys are. Are you all sell outs?!

After years of complainig about soaps going out, we finally start to get them back, and now you all just say "let's get Heelys!"

Well fine, i'm ticked too, screw you guys, if you want heelys than in my opinion, you have no right wearing SOAPs. and if you want bteter plates than buy soaps and be patient, cuz the only way we are going to get better plates is by increasing sales.


Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Not to mention that we are on the verge of getting Broadsides back all you dumbass sell-outs

Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

I don't have a myspace. That was a link to my Picasa portfolio.

And Renny & I have decided that right now it's best that we let that thread die. This one will have to also.

Sorry if I upset anyone with that, it was an idea. Odds are that HSL already considered it, but incase they haven't, we will attempt to contain it anyway.

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

Steve is taking a huge risk, paying out money to help soaps revive, renny and i have spent countless hours working on sites, demo plans, dealing with corperate...we deserve better, i expected better from you...

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

and surfaced, let this thread die? heck no, i want to be heard, this is insane!

Mar 28, 2007guero12

Hey I'm still with you guys.

Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

Kill the thread already. You aren't helping one bit.

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

You guys are all fucking sell-outs, and thats fucked up.

And on the other post, about "supporting whatever is making grindshoes"....Fuck that, im supporting SOAP, the ORIGINAL Grindshoe.

When Soap is back on top, then i'll stop hating on Heelys

Fuck anything else.

Me, Trev, and Steve have put waaaaaaay more hours of helping out soap than ALL OF YOU SELL OUTS COMBINED

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Hell no, dunt kill this shit.

We are getting our points across

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

not all...

Guero12, we appreciate your patriotism. Who else is still with SOAPs, which among you is still loyal to the brand?

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex


Mar 28, 2007guero12

I am going to hang some posters around my school
that I have been working on. After spring break.

Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

This thread mentions the soleplate Mack. If HSL sees this thread, they might search for it. If you value this conversation so much, make a new thread. Otherwise this is risking it.

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

leave it alone, they arent gonna make a mack like that.

Heelers hate the macks with all their hearts

Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

Okay... Im a little confused now. Seeing as my actions were probably the initiative for this thread, and the Mack was a shitty idea in the first place, why are people freaking out?

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

iight....im calm now...

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

Cuz it's not just you, Trey D, and another person got Heely's and are blabbing all about them.

Mar 28, 2007Draker

shit... heelys are only a gadget for 10year old girl.....

Mar 28, 2007SonicSoaper

I'm a Soap man all the way. I'm going back to wearing Heelys.

Mar 28, 2007SonicSoaper

*I'm not going back

Mar 28, 2007kobansora

Haven't we went through this already? Damn guys... Just because we're posting in Heelys and shit doesn't mean we're going to support them more than Soap. It's like bashing us for drinking Coke instead of Pepsi; You'll only drink one over the other every once in a while if you either A) Have no choice B) Want to try it out.

I don't think you have a right to judge who wears Heelys and who wears Soaps. I mean, I'm sure that some Soapers HAVE tried Heelys and HAVE liked them for a bit, but that doesn't mean they've "crossed over to the dark side." I know I'm new to the scene and all, but that doesnt' mean I'm going to let you go and call me a "sell out" or judge me or anybody else in my position.

You're helping out more than us, that's awesome, but that doesn't mean we don't have your backs, and especially Soaps' back. Who's going out to buy Heelys anyways? Just like, three out of the few hundred Soapers out here. I'd rather promote Soap and buy some inlines instead of Heelys anyway.


Mar 28, 2007matrix8967

FUCK, i just wrote a HUGE thing about this and i submitted it, and it was deleted

ok, i'll try to remember it...

Antho, Steve, and Sap, have been going throught all levels of hell to get soap going good again and same with all the other Street Revivers like myself (i say street revivers, because if ur like me, u just see a heeler or anyone skateboarding/blading, etc. on the street and talk soap to them.) Hell, i write "USE THIS TO BUY SOAP SHOES. WWW.SOLIDGRIND.COM" on all my dollar bills

I've been with soap since like 2000. and i stopped for years and picked up again lastyear, and found i wasnt alone. A SOAPer Divided cannont stand! sure, HSL is just a poster boy for XEROX...

Heelers aren't dumb, they aren't bad. they're just mis-informed. so school them. HSL put SOAP on mute. So WE are the voice. I'm ready to make the rector scale jump from screaming so loud. it's going to be a spring effect. the harder they push us down, the higher we'll go. but not so if people think they're better than others, or that they deserve something, or if they expect alot out of everyone, or if they rip people for doing stuff. i say, ignore HSL. pretend they aren't there. focus on SOAP. what Heelers do, shouldnt effect us. HSL has soap, so HSL has me. HSL has us. pissing them off is the smart thing to do. so if you diss on heely's...not wise. just let them go. who are we to say "you shouldn't heel because i'm a soaper and I think my dick is bigger than yours..." I'm getting a SOAP tattoo in a few years. so i'm not a nancey on any of this. I'm prepared to march down to HSL and tell them about how we feel...but i'll do it with a cool tounge.

(sorry this is so random...it was much more organized in the previous one...)


Mar 28, 2007Surfaced


Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

I hear you Matrix, just that Heely's does effect us, because if we have people buying heelys, they aren't buying soaps, and it is just showing HSL that heelys are better than soaps. That's all that was really bothering me, is we need every soap sale we can, and if we are having trouble getting our soapers to buy soaps instead of heelys, we are in trouble.

Maybe it was just bad timing, suddently woosh, heelys this, heelys that. maybe things will calm down...

sorry for blowing up, we do apprecaite all the support, we are all in this, maybe both me and renny overreacted a bit, just in our minds it was looking like everyone was going to go over and buy heelys cuz they have a differnet plate here or there. it was looking like everyone was starting to get lured in...

alright, just please, if you have the option of getting heelys or soaps, please get soaps guys, we need your support...

Mar 28, 2007ordnanceflint91

hell no im not a sell out. i just wanted to get a pair of the grails and finally did. i still use my soaps more than anything. ill never quit wearing soaps. i love my soaps. i just thought id try a pair of heelys and see how they are. there is no way id sell out and only support heelys. my soap shoes are my favorite by far. and im still trying to get people to get soaps. i have a friend wanting to get expresses as soon as he gets enough money. he used mine today and we went out and soaped for about 2 hours. i wont promote heelys lie i do soaps, i wont tell people to buy heelys...always always tell them to get soaps

Mar 28, 2007ordnanceflint91

i may have pissed you guys off for me getting some fucking heelys, but i wont apologize for it. i like them ok. the point i made for the grails was they arent a bad grind shoe. i never said i was gonna stop supporting soap. that will always be something i do. soaps are still my favorite shoe and always will be. but i see how this is. i guess i wont come around as much anymore. ill do my supporting soaps by myself on my own. if you all wanna think im a sell out, so be it. i guess i dont need you anyways. so i guess im out. and to those of you that wanna hate me now, go for it i really dont care anymore, but i will keep supporting soaps no matter what you guys think of me. call me a "sell out" if you want but i aint. peace out to all...

Mar 28, 2007Slidey

lol, you guys HAVE over-reacted.
There is another reason I'm buying Heelys for ONCE (dude I'm never gonna buy them again) other than just wanting to try it out.

It's a great way of promoting Soaps.

If you wear Heelys you make Heeler friends who are uninformed of what Soap Shoes are.
So, since you are a great grinder (because we have used Soaps) and since grinding is pretty much the hardest thing to do on Heelys they will think "your sick!"
When they do, they will introduce you to thier other friends, who will introduce you to thier other friends etc...

If you tell every Heeler about Soaps, they will buy them because they will think it's Soaps that have made you so good at it, and you can explain all the advantages that Soaps have over Heelys on the way.

So don't hate on me for buying Heelys, cause my intention is to do Soap good

Mar 28, 2007sam

Did you guys read any of the heelys "how to" video post? Soaps would be dead by now if heelys didnt buy them! If you buy heelys with grindplates you are still supporting soaps beacause then HSL will see that grindshoes have become more popular these days and MIGHT be interested in making a new grind shoe. (Grind this!) I now have a pair of heelys grindshoes, so you can all fucking call me a sellout, I soap for the fun of it! I could care less who makes grind shoes I just wanna buy them to have fun, and impress people when I can. Nobody at my school can tell when I'm wearing soaps, or what they are untill I educate them about soaps, then they think there pretty damn cool. I support GRINDSHOES now, not just soap shoes beacause grinding is supposed to be fun.

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Noone hates you Trey so stop acting like a little kid

Mar 28, 2007sam

Oh and hello people? Did you read the top of the homepage for solidgrind? It says GRINDSHOES, just pointing that out for people.

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

Its all cool that you support grinshoes...thats great.

But for me, i like to stick to my roots. The father of Grindshoes....the one that started it all, started Heelys, started a new revolution.....Soap ......SOAP started all of that so if you wanna drift away from your roots.....fine, i know where im staying

Soap, shoes with ATTITUDE for the Daily Grind

Mar 28, 2007matrix8967

yeah, see, that's what i'm sayin. I don't hate heely's or heelers. and if I where younger i'd probably be a heely's freak. but i'm not. I grew up with soap, and soap and I are intertwined. Like two rivers that have merged and will never be diverse again.

Antho is right about sticking to roots. Heelers are (like i said) poster boys for xerox. means they copied grinding from soap.


Mar 28, 2007Slidey

Yeah man, Soaps my main shoes all the way

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

sorry trey, we did overreact, just you would panic too when it looks like the business you got is starting to loose support. heely's will be around, but soaps we have to keep going if we want it to stay going.

Like i said, it was probably bad timing, 3-4 people talking so much about heelies in just 2 days, we thought it was a trend -.-

Mar 28, 2007SapAuthor

and right now, like i said, heelys is seeing if soaps will sell again. If we get big and stable and sell a lot, then it wouldn't effect us if you bought a heely pair here and htere, but right now we are trying to keep SOAP sales up. If evreyone starts buying heely soaps, then sales will go down, and HSL may pull the plug on SOAPs. I'm asking you to please support SOAPs, not just grind shoes, heelys will be around, soaps may not...not at least without support

Mar 28, 2007OT

So...... are y'all on the verge of getting Broadsides back?

Mar 28, 2007ordnanceflint91

the heelys i bought came from some guy on ebay. i would never go and buy a pair of heelys from a s tore. that would show HSL support for heelys. i mean yeah i know i got a pair of heelys. i just wanted to see what they were like. and yeah they are kinda fun but nowhere near as fun as my soaps. if u ask me tho, heelys are more dangerous than soaps. just walking you can slip on the damn wheel and fall lol. but anyways, no im not a sell out. i love soaps and i will always support them hard. if i had a way to get more people into it around here i would. gotta get some kids that are in school to get soaps then maybe it will help me spread the word. but until then ill just keep wearin my soap shirts and shoes and try to get people to see what they are

Mar 28, 2007matrix8967

yeah...I saw a little kid bust his ass hard in wal-mart the otherday...i laughed so hard...oh god, i'm rollin just thinking about it. the only thing i thought was "KARMA!!" lol


Mar 28, 2007Mart

You guys need to stop taking everything at face value. So what if some of us want to try out a pair of Heely grind shoes? Did it ever occur to you that they may have wanted to see what it was like to Heel? Heely may make grind shoes and yes, we should all buy Soap shoes for grinding instead of Heelys, but do Soap make a shoe with a wheel in the heel? No, they don't, so where's the problem in buying a pair of Heelys to try out Heeling?

Antho, you like to stick to your roots, as do I, and that's fine. Just don't blow up on people for not having the exact same belief system as you; criticising others for doing differently will only serve to segregate a scene that demands complete cohesion, especially in dark times such as these. So while you may think badly of Soapers who buy Heelys, dividing the community like this based on your beliefs is only going to further weaken Soap's prospects by damaging the strongest marketing tool there is; us, the Soap community

Now everyone, if someone does something that upsets you, talk to them about it; don't fucking blow your mind all over this site because that just makes you look like an intolerant prick. There's a reason for everything, and if you gave the time to find out what those reasons are, instead of blowing the whole issue out of proportion, you'd be likely to find that there's a perfectly valid explanation

Oh and Antho; Trey's acting like a little kid? I'd review your own conduct in this thread and revise that judgement if I were you

Mar 28, 2007ordnanceflint91

Mart, i see your point and i see Rennys and trevors. i didnt mean to upset people. but like you said i wanted to try heelys. id never buy heelys that didnt have a grindplate though. heeling is fun but nowhere near as fun as soaps are. trust me, i wont ever buy a pair of heelys from a store where hsl will know about it. besides you cant even find heelys with plates here where i live. they dont even know what the torches are around here. but anyways, im sorry for making you all think i sold out, but in reality i didnt. i just wanted to try out a pair.

Mar 28, 2007RamenRadio

Holy freaking shit. What's with all this? I've only supported soap, and that's the shoe that I'll ever support. I don't give a crap about heelys. Just because I made a few comments about a heely shoe doesn't make me like heelys. All I ever said was that they were ugly, that should not even be considered a hate. I don't know about anyone else, saying that they want heelys or whatever, but let me get this straight.
Okay? I don't wear fucking heelys, and I don't want to. I have three pairs of soaps, I wouldn't need an ugly pair of shoes that grind like crap. Okay?

Mar 28, 2007RamenRadio

Just so I know, who was the person that said they liked heelys? I don't remember anyone saying something like that

Mar 28, 2007RamenRadio

yes ordinanceflint 91, I think heelys are WAY more dangerous than soaps too.
"heely till you crack your head"
See? I crack about heelys comes up every now and then, its not bad, it's not good. It just happans though, so maybe we shouldn't make such a big deal about hating either

Mar 28, 2007ordnanceflint91

i will say this. i like my heelys to grind with but the wheel is just dangerous lol. i still love my soaps more though. they are by far a better shoe.

Mar 28, 2007rhinoskater30

I love Soaping way more than Heeling, but if i got Heelys, it would just be because I wanted a wheel. A couple years back I got the Grail from Heelys, at that time Heelys were as big or bigger than Soaps, so I decided I'll try something new AND old. Now that I'm older, I don't care about Heelys that much, but only to get these little kids attention about where the grind plate underneath those Heelys came from. They won't care if I jump on a rail because
1. They don't know how to grind and what the grind plate is
2. They don't even know what grinding with Soaps is.
I really don't think we should hate either. Heelys gave Soap competition. Now it's all one. They need to give Soap back with all of it's old and newer designs, and start that competition over. Soap fanatics will go to Soaps while others to Heelys. Just like PS3 is better than XBox 360 sort of. We have to be friendly to both, yet stay true to the brand we choose. In my case, Soaps.

Mar 28, 2007SonicSoaper

And how is the PS3 better than the 360? Graphically?

Mar 28, 2007RamenRadio

The only way possible

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

ehh w.e ....no worries.

As for sticking to my roots, i guess you can say im a die-hard Soap freak....Thats why i kinda hate on Heelys a bit for the grindshoe

Mar 28, 2007guero12

AnthoFlex you said, "we are on the verge of getting Broadsides". I not doubting you but what makes you say that?

Mar 29, 2007siuol7

I have to say that heelys is what got me into soaping because I got my heelys when i was 11 and liked grinding more. Then from looking around the internet I found soaps and haven't touched my old heelys since i got my ordnance.

Mar 29, 2007Surfaced

Well that's something I've never heard... someone who owned Heelys but liked the grinding aspect more.

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

guero12, you wanna know what makes you say that we are on the verge of getting Broadsides?

This is how....*drum roll*

I work for HSL, i work with Trev AND Steve Deel, I keep in contact with HSL. Me, Trev, and Steve got emails (after suggesting an A-side or Broadside rebirth) stating that if we got enough interested people....AND HAD PROOF, they would let us sell them.

So we (naturally) chose Broadsides because the A-side mold are (currently) in a size 9....Broadside molds on the other hand, are available in the sizes 3-14....meaning, everyone will be happy...

Any more questions?

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

I have GOT to work on my internet tone level....that last comment sounded way to harsh and direct....i meant it in the most nicest, and informing way possible

ma bad bro

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Oh, and just a heads up to everyone:

If we DO get the Broadsides back in production, we will suggest that ONLY sizes 7-14 be produced... This is the reason:

Any Broadside's Sole plate (Heel-toe plate) under a size 7 does not work on ANY rail...therefore, being pointless to make as this will risk losing $$$ (or ???, depending on where you live, lol) for HSL. All our hard work would go down the Drain.

....and that would suck

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Whats bothering me is that the Broadside (during Artemis/In-Stride days) retailed at $130...thats why noone bought em...

The A-side was Supposed to retail at $90-95....

So if we get the Broadsides back, are we gonna have to sell them for $130, or $90?

Mar 29, 2007Surfaced

The A-Side was made of cheaper materials that HSL uses all of the time on their shoes. Briefly move your hand across your Broadsides' upper (or maybe just invision it if you have felt them countlessly before) You'll notice it's a very soothing leather, like a mix between Suede and leather. Additionally, the Broadside used a mid-flex plastic to support the shoes unique form (the tongue attached to the rest of the upper, making it like a sock).
Theres probably a bunch of other business risking aspects that contributed to it's price, but I'm too tired to think of any right now. Maybe Mart can do that, he's always been there to give us the logical business perspective that is absent in our writing.

And if anyone is having a hard time picturing what I mentioned, I just uploaded another folder with 8 pictures of the shoe.


Mar 29, 2007SapAuthor

now that i have a good look at the broadsides, those look like some sick shoes. I think all we really need are 3 shoes (cuz HSL won't make a ton)

Express (lower cost, light, basic)
Ordnance, Boltar, or another replacable plate model (for customizability)
Broadsides (slipknot plate)

Scorchers could replace the replacable plate if they won't do the plate system.

if we keep increase in sales, maybe we can get broadsides.

Mar 29, 2007Mart


These two articles are the reason why I think a straight up rerun of the Broadsides isn't the best idea. The A-Side plate is much deeper and, as was said in one of those articles, generally better designed than the Broadside plate. Personally I would prefer to see the A-Sides released (considering they put so much work into getting them right), but I'd be concerned about the build quality as David outlined

Actually, I'll be completely backward and insist that the original Sylon/Broadside prototype be recast, haha. But seriously... both the Broadsides and the A-Sides are ugly as sin. Functionality is the key, though, and because of that I'd say the A-Sides should see a release

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Backwards is better, haha. The original Sylon/Broadside thing looked sick.

But Mart, you have to understand what im trying to say. I want A-sides too, but right now the Broadsides (That HSL has) are in the sizes 3-14 while the A-sides are just in a 9.

We already talked to HSL about getting us sum A-sides and they told us that if we wanted them, we would have to order a minimum of 350-500.....quite obviously they are trying to mess with our heads, but 350-500 in a size 9 only? Chillz....thats a bad idea

Mar 29, 2007Mart

Oh, so they point blank refused to develop dies and moulds for different sizes? Hmm... the only thing I could think of to get round that would be to do some market research; get questionnaires/surveys done asking people whether they'd want Broadsides or A-Sides. That said, where are you gonna find 500 Soapers that to take part?

My only concern is that, by running the Broadsides, everyone will buy those and, if they do prove popular, there will still be no incentive to produce the A-Sides because everyone will be happy buying Broadsides, and it'd involve less investment on HSL's part. Unless Soaps suddenly blew up, but that's unlikely

I guess the best thing to do would be to re-release the Broadsides, in that case. Either way I'm not fussed; I'm a size 9 anyway, haha

Mar 29, 2007RamenRadio

Personally, I'm not sure if too many people would buy Asides as much as broadsides. The only reason that I would like the asides released is so that I could do sole grinds better. However, whenever I had shown the asides to a few friends of mine, they called the shoe bricks. I don't just take how the shoe grinds into consideration, I also take style into consideration. Basically, I'm in between with the broadsides being released. I'd REALLY like it if the original broadsides were released. I liked the sylon design that it had.

By the way, how heavy are the asides? I'm not even sure.

Mar 29, 2007Slidey

My friends think every Soap shoe apart from the 3rd generation models are huge and chunky.

One of the reasons I prefer the newer soaps.

Mar 29, 2007Slider388

agreed slidey
I never tried heelys, I have no idea how they feel but i think that it's kinda wierd to have a wheel in a shoe. well, I guess it's also wierd to have a grindplate in it, but whatev...

Mar 29, 2007RamenRadio

I just think the asides are big and kinda weird looking. I don't think they were made for style. Maybe when they gave the shoes to broox to test out, they just wanted to know how they grind. Cause I don't think it's current style is a very nice look.

Mar 29, 2007SonicSoaper

The look is fine. If people want to look pretty, they can buy Timberland boots at Abercrombie and Fitch for $1000. The A-Sides have this futuristic look to them that I like, as well as a kick-ass sole plate. As Mart said, HSL put a lot of effort into the A-Sides so they obviously can be called supierior to the Broadsides, another reason why the A-Sides should be released.

Mar 29, 2007Surfaced

My friends think every Soap shoe apart from the 3rd generation models are huge and chunky.

The Goa, Squeaky Clean, and Ordnance weren't bulky.

Mar 29, 2007Slidey

Try telling them that lol

Mar 29, 2007Slidey

I totally agree with you there. And I'm talking about my non-soaping friends, my soaping friends are cool with them

Mar 29, 2007RamenRadio

No, the look isn't fine. It's not in any way a great look, and I don't see ANYTHING futuristic about the asides... It almost looks like a plain old shoe that looks like a brick. There isn't any style in it like the broadsides or the original broadsides. Besides, just take a look at what happened when we were thinking the asides might be put into production. Do you know how many people emailed about their interests? 46 Meanwhile, everyone (including me) went freaking nuts, telling every freaking soul that they were going to be going into production. And then when HSL screwed around, we decided to work on broadsides. All that I had to say was "broadsides" and tons of more people started emailing about the broadsides coming back. So no, I don't think the a-sides are the greatest shoe to make. Not unless they seriously reconsider the design.

Mar 29, 2007RamenRadio

I will say one thing though, I thought the design of the blue a-sides were A LOT better looking than the red. however, that's about it.

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Its like Mart has my brain, but back in time. Everything you have suggested i have done, haha

I have been having a list of people in favor of A-sides/Broadsides for awhile now. And the list is going quite crazy.

And dunt worry Mart, i added you to the list already ; )

And i aint fussed either, im a 9 too, haha

Mar 29, 2007Slider388

a wub fwoaps.nob weely be hiilis.

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

A lot of people tell me that the A-sides are "Fugly" whatever that means....i dunno wtf they are talking about because they look really sexy.

The same people that say the A-side is "Fugly" say that the Broadside is "sexy as fuck" So they REALLY like the Broadsides....i dunno, i guess im in favor for a Broadside RE-Release with A-side-type plates. I dunno, they just look like they can lock-in better

Mar 29, 2007SonicSoaper

Fugly= Fucking ugly

Yeah, I think the A-Sides are sexy too but SOME PEOPLE just don't agree with me.

Mar 29, 2007RamenRadio

I didn't say the a-sides were ugly, I said they looked like ordinary shoes to me. It's not just quite a great style.

Mar 30, 2007SonicSoaper

It's like the PS3 in reverse.

Mar 30, 2007RamenRadio

There are so many levels that the PS3 can be judged by, so I have no idea what you mean

Mar 31, 2007Mart

Derek helped develop the A-Side plate and it does lock in better than the Broadside plate; the sole plate is deeper, but as a result the sole of the shoe is thicker, which makes the shoe look very much like a brick

The styling of the shoe is every bit as important as the performance itself; if a shoe looks like cack, people won't buy it. Judging by such logic, there would only ever be one shoe with each plate type, and that would mean that the product only appeals to people who like that particular style. A wide range of styles means that the product would appeal to a far wider audience, so the challenge with any new Broadsides/A-Sides is to get a design that appeals to as many people as possible

Also, I can imagine that the amount of hype generated by the Broadsides is purely because people know what the Broadsides are; the A-Sides were never released, and I'm certain that had they been, people would be pressing them to be re-released over the Broadsides

Mar 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, The A-sides have those "Speedster/Express looking grooves on the sides on the lateral...So therefore, it obviously must lock-in better.

I have to say though, the Broadsides and Prabas (i think) can take on small skateboarding rails....i say that because anyone who's been to a sk8 park before knows those freakshly wide rails for skateboarding that us Soapers have to grind like a ledge

Mar 31, 2007Mart

Dude, those are barely grooves at all and will have little effect on the lock-in; the plate is still very much flat. The main advantage of the A-Side plate over the Broadsides is that the sole plate is deeper

Mar 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Hmm....seemed like there were similar lock-in grooves...

How are ur broadsides anyway Mart, still got life in em, or no?

Mar 31, 2007Mart

I haven't worn them for many years. They've faded to a revolting pastel blue as well. I find them incredibly uncomfortable, too

Mar 31, 2007AnthoFlex

Really? Mine feel like they are made out of like....i dunno God pillows or sumthing.

I personally like the Green ones better, but the blue ones i got are cool

Mar 31, 2007SonicSoaper

God pillows? XD

Mar 31, 2007SonicSoaper

And what I meant by the PS3 in reverse is that it looks good both system wise and graphically but the games suck.

Mar 31, 2007AnthoFlex

noone cares about the PS3 man, this is a Soapshoes site

Mar 31, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah, but it still sucks. It could prolly make a nice grind rail.

Apr 1, 2007SapAuthor

any further news on the free style walking game for PSP? or wahtever it is, do they have grind plate shoes?

Apr 1, 2007SonicSoaper

I think I heard of that game. Let me do some research on it.

Apr 1, 2007matrix8967

i don't think it's going to have grind shoes...but i havnt checked in on it in a while...i know pretty much everyone's pumped about it.

Apr 1, 2007rhinoskater30

What I meant by PS3 and 360, was some people like one and some people like the other, just like people like Soaps and some like Heelys.
I'm not retarded, I know what site this is. Take a chill pill, I was just comparing things. Plus, you don't have mad with this what the heck stuff...It's really your fault you're getting these comments.

Apr 2, 2007Joshua3109

So, with this email... Just how many people does HSL actually want buying the shoes before they will make the broadsides?

Apr 2, 2007AnthoFlex

We just need to show them a high number of interest...

Lack of retail interest was the reason why the A-sides didnt come out

Apr 2, 2007Jard39

well im intrested never tryed the lateral plate before it looks intresting

Apr 3, 2007Mart

The lateral plate is the standard grind plate; you mean the sole plate

Apr 3, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, having a Sole plate adds a lot of variety to your tricks. It also adds more variety to switch-ups

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper

Unless he does mean the lateral plate.

Apr 3, 2007Mart

I don't think he does, as the lateral plate is featured on all grind shoes

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah but what if he never had Soaps?

Apr 3, 2007SonicSoaper

Or any grind shoes for tht matter?

Apr 3, 2007Mart

a) I've seen this dude post for a while, I'm pretty sure he has at least one pair of grind shoes
b) Why would he say 'I've never tried the lateral plate before' if he hadn't already tried a pair of Soaps?

Arguing for the sake of arguing? Not cool

Apr 4, 2007rhinoskater30

Yeah dude. Stop arguing. Soaps are about fun. If you don't care about Heelys...forget them and move on. And so what about this guy. Just leave it alone. No one is perfect, I bet yall don't even know him.

Apr 4, 2007SonicSoaper

Actually, afetr posting that I did a background check and found out he's been soaping for awhile. I had never seen him before and thus I didn't know. Who said I was arguing when Iwas simply presenting a point? And rhinoskater30, I don't even know where Heelys fit into this whole mess.

Apr 4, 2007SapAuthor

just a question, why hasn't this let sink down? :(

Apr 4, 2007SonicSoaper

Could you rephrase that Trev?

Apr 4, 2007Surfaced

Almost immediately after this thread was created, we felt that it's content could potentially endanger Soap (via leading HSL affiliates/accomplices to images/discussions we were not comfortable with them viewing). So we wanted to sink the thread, thus making it unlikely that they would look at it.

Apr 18, 2007Tasslehoff

I was nieve and wanted Heelys about a year ago, because everyone at the mall had them. I asked my dad for them but I realized they were like 90$. FOR A MOFOING WHEEL! no grind plate. I got an off brand pair instead. these are actually better than Heelys. the wheel pops in and out via a button in the back of the shoe. so you dont lose the wheels. still no grindplate. but I would never go so low as to sell out from SOAPs and buy those $90 trash heaps. if you want to grind with wheels, go rollerblading.

Apr 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

shoes with wheels have been around before heelys, Soaps are one of its kind, they were the first and only shoes that grind and had an original idea of it's own, HSL probably bought them as an excuse to put plates on their wheels and not get sued or sumthing, but i give HSL props for trying to keep soaps alive still

Apr 19, 2007Mart

Again, what's with reviving dead threads?

Apr 19, 2007RamenRadio

If you have a decent reason like the thread for making your own soap stickers, but I'm not too sure why this one was revived. I'm pretty sure we didn't want this one around anymore. I believe the point was pointed out to everyone
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