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Mar 28, 2007 by SapAuthor

Alright, i'm sorry. Me and Renny overreacted, we saw a bunch of people now getting and talking about heelys, and getting other people interested.

Alright, if you get heelys, ur not a sell out, but it doesn't help much each. The reason why we got angry would be best shown by a small analogy.

You have wal-mart (HSL) who is around and not going away, and everyone wanted their old store back that went out of business (SOAPs). we finally get the store back, and you support the business, but also shop at wal-mart, and then start telling other people how the prices are better at wal-mart.

Just cuz we got SOAPs back in production, doesn't mean they can't go out of business again.

I'm sorry for overreacting, but i hope you kind of understand why we were upset.

Mar 28, 2007RamenRadio

I understand perfectly. It's not a problem, we can understand where you are coming from. I'll make sure not to hate on heelys as much as I do, sound good?

Mar 28, 2007Slidey

Tis kwl, no problem lol but ya got a little bit of that wrong. We'll be telling everyone how good the old store is and if any1 asks about the buisness "yeah its alright..."

Mar 28, 2007Slidey

*the wal-mart

Mar 28, 2007ordnanceflint91

Soaps wont go away...we wont let it. ill always support soaps

Mar 28, 2007matrix8967

no apology necessary you guys saw a spike in the competition. WE are the voice of soap. and if we get a new soap shoe, it should be called the Banshee. lol. I'm helping my friends buy soaps. when you guys called everyone sell outs, i figured it wasn't permanent. like when your friends get really pissed and say stuff they don't mean. so all in all, no worries.


Mar 28, 2007Mart

Dude, to extend your analogy; you get the shop back, but Wal-Mart sells a product that the old business doesn't sell. What do you do then? Not buy a product that you really want just because your friend who runs the shop doesn't stock it?

In reality, you could ask the shop owner to locate a distributor and stock the product, but such logic applied to above analogy would involve asking Soap to develop a grind shoe with wheels; a pair of Heely grind shoes

If Heely started making grind shoes without wheels then yes, you would have a much stronger point to argue, but there's no justification for trying to publicly humiliate someone for simply wanting to try out a pair of Heelys when they provide something that Soap shoes don't

Mar 28, 2007Surfaced

Ugh, people please, stop it with the cheesy speaches. It seems all cool and w/e at first but after a while you realize it's only nonsense. The whole "Soap will live forever" and "we are the brotherhood" etc is getting to me and probably anyone else who understands what we are dealing with.

Mar 28, 2007Hattmac02

sounds alot like that southpark episode

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

The only thing i stick by are the revivers.

Everything else has no meaning in my head

Mar 28, 2007AnthoFlex

and David, we KNOW what we are dealing with... we are VERY well aware of what is going on and what we are dealing with.

Thats why there are people like the Revivers who are working on a solution....and you know what? We are doing a PRETTY DAMN GOOD JOB

Mar 29, 2007Surfaced

That is pretty cool.

Who is we?

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

We...the Revivers

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

Me, Trevor, Dario, Steve....u used to be one too, but your spirit in Soap left u remember?

Mar 29, 2007Mart

What was the point in saying that? Seriously, stuff like that will only stir up more pointless arguing

Mar 29, 2007RamenRadio

I don't believe so......

Mar 29, 2007Slider388

lol I got like 7 pairs of soaps for some friends here...

Mar 29, 2007SapAuthor

revivers are anyone who help bring soaps back*
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