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Mar 29, 2007 by Slider388

Hey everyone,
I came across this place today and signed up just now.
I noticed some guys here were Alex's. Count me in. Oh yeah, I'm 13. I only started soaping about 3 weeks ago and am a massive newb. I'm not that bad, but I have a lot of room for improvment. I do mostly benches and bleachers with the occasional rail. I'm american, but live in the united arab emirates. No rails here, sucks. Can't even get soaps, i ordered my expresses from steve. Thanks man. oh and yeah I can almost only do front foot first grinds. What soap/wax do you all use?
Heelys are prett cool, but not really my style.
Meh. Time for another random change of subject. Well yeah school does suck, but teachers here are cool about it. My friends this soaping rules, although there are always bitchy guys who say its gay. High schoolers think it's pretty fuckin awesome, most of them used to soap before in stride and hsl bought soap, and greeted me with a "fuck yeah man, soaps rules. Hey guys, check this out! We got a guy who has soaps in this school after all."
Well, happy soaping, don't bail as much as I do, and have shitloads of fun.

Mar 29, 2007matrix8967

welcome aboard fellow Alex. United Arab Emirates...sounds cool. I live in BF Arkansas...It's nice to see some younger faces here. (hook'em while their young!) I was about ur age when I started soaping. I'm 17 now, about to be 18. college bound. etc. it sticks with you. you'll probably look back on it later in life and pick up ur soaps again.


Mar 29, 2007Slider388

It's funny that my nickname is slider388, for some reason I'ver been using that for about 5 years before I ever heard of soaping, and I wasn't skateboarding either.

Mar 29, 2007SonicSoaper

Cool. Welcome to the Soap scene. I have a feeling you'll fit in great with the rest of us.

Mar 29, 2007RamenRadio

Welcome fellow soaper! :D

Mar 29, 2007Slider388

thanks guys

Mar 29, 2007JeiHeirumaru

(In scorpion's voice): WELCOME!!

Mar 29, 2007pepsi

*welcomes* :)

Mar 29, 2007Slidey

hey dude, nice 2 see more peeps around here

Mar 30, 2007Slider388

Thanks all.
What kinda soap do yall use? What kinda wax?

Mar 30, 2007pepsi

boltars :)

i just use candle wax ;x...can be bothered getting the proper wax.

Mar 30, 2007JeiHeirumaru

I don't use wax.I Just SOAP natural,dude

Mar 30, 2007JeiHeirumaru

And I got a pair of navy Scabs

Mar 30, 2007Slider388

I've just been natural, but I'd like to know what I can use to make some of those dry unpainted wood benches soap well.

Mar 30, 2007pepsi

heh, wax would work probably :P

Mar 30, 2007Surfaced

There's nothing wrong about using wax... infact, if anything, not using wax is a worse decision because your plates will wear down faster, and the replacements are getting harder to find now in 9-10 and 11-12.

Mar 30, 2007Slider388

so just standard candle wax is what I need?

Mar 30, 2007pepsi

yeah, standard candle wax works good for me

Mar 30, 2007Slider388

sick man!
Thanks to all of you for the help!

Mar 30, 2007sam

Actually, im selling some pretty sick skate wax right now, ask ramenradio how it works.

Mar 30, 2007AnthoFlex

welcome to the family dude

Mar 30, 2007rhinoskater30


Mar 31, 2007RamenRadio

Sam makes the best soaper's wax EVER Ordinary candle wax is OKAY, but if you really want to grind on the fast side, go with sam's wax :D I'd know, I'm beta testing this wax, and I couldn't love it more!

Mar 31, 2007Slider388

Lol I'd be happy to buy some if you can ship it internationally.

Mar 31, 2007Surfaced

Sounds interesting. How thick is the wax, and how much do we get for out money?

Mar 31, 2007Surfaced

our money*

Mar 31, 2007AnthoFlex

i think i'll stick to Dario's Sonic wax

Mar 31, 2007rhinoskater30

I found a stick of wax called Ledge Butta.
There slogan is "Butta that Ledge Son!!!
Pretty good stuff...
Pretty good times

Mar 31, 2007matrix8967

yeah, i've used that stuff before. it's pretty good.

Apr 1, 2007sam

if you guys want to buy some, or get more details feel free to e-mail me at: pendelton@adelphia.net">pendelton@adelphia.net

Apr 1, 2007DeanSoaper

Welcome..... well i use a pair of Faders (suck) and my babies, some navy Scabs with white BBK's. As for wax I use Gulf Wax. It is a canning wax found in a Grocery Store. It is used for canning vegetables, but best Wax i ever used. I also have some Ledge Butta, and Lucky Dice wax.

Apr 1, 2007SapAuthor

welcome from me as well. Thanks for buying SOAPs and supporting! :-)

Apr 1, 2007kobansora

Faders??? Wahh where and when did you get them?

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