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News update on SaP and the SOAP shop
Mar 29, 2007 by SapAuthor

Okay, that was hell online. My site is now on a new server, with 2 TB isntead of the small 75 GB of bandwidth. The subdomain soaps.sonicandpals.com isn't working just yet, it takes a day or two to kick in, but you can always go to the home page and click on "Soap shoes" or go directly to http://www.sonicandpals.com/soaps/index.htm

So, um, yeah, everything should be working for hte most part >.>

Mar 29, 2007Surfaced

Should be, but is not.

I tried ordering a pair and when I clicked submit, I got an error. I attempted to refresh the page and refill the form, but I got the same result.

Instead, I just sent you an email with my information.

Mar 29, 2007AnthoFlex

ohhh shit

Mar 30, 2007Sigma

Hah! Such a great quote if you put these three together:

"So, um, yeah, everything should be working for hte most part >.>"

"Should be, but is not."

"ohhh shit"

Mar 30, 2007Slider388


Mar 31, 2007rhinoskater30

Does anything look different, or is the server just bigger? Sorry, but I don't think it worked.

Mar 31, 2007AnthoFlex

He had to move everything over to a new Server, so sum things didnt work, nothing changed, just the fact that he has more memory on his site now

Mar 31, 2007Mart

You're getting through more than 75GB of bandwidth in a month?

Apr 4, 2007Zhowulf

It worked for me, I ordered a pair last weekend.

Apr 6, 2007rhinoskater30

I'm gonna get mine soon.

Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

Werd up Mart, kinda makes you think huh?

Most of the publicity (site visiting) is for the Soap shop. I guess UKFSW was wrong eh?

; )

Apr 7, 2007Mart


Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

I doubt it was you, but one of the UKFSW guys said that the Soap run is over, and solidgrind is almost but dust and all of that.

But most of Trev's bandwidth usage comes from people going into the Soap shop. I mean, do the math 75 GB, all of it gone, less than one month? All for a Soap shop? I'd say Soap is kicking more ass than ever now. Not to mention i just got the shipment of demo shoes, which rocks.

Keep an eye out for May 26th people ; )

Apr 7, 2007Surfaced

That was Duncan, a little over a year ago.

Apr 7, 2007Mart

Yeah, Dunk said that when Soap was pretty much dead

Anyway, how do you get through that much bandwidth by loading a flash page? How big is it? If it's roughly 5MB (which I would imagine is being quite generous), that would equate to around 150,000 hits a month. How many orders are you getting?

Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

hehehehe, a lot bro....A LOT

And the new site may even throw Trevs new 2 TB bandwidth off

*evil laughs
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