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Soap shirts
Apr 6, 2007 by kobansora

I know there's only ONE on eBay right now (go find it yourself, I'm never posting ebay things again :D), but it's RED and I don't wera RED.

Anybody know where you can get some? Weren't there supposed to be like, a lot in production since Derek posted that one news thing on the front page?


Apr 6, 2007sam

No... That was for new solidgrind shirts which never went into production. Good luck finding a soap shirt though, beacause your only chance is ebay.

Apr 6, 2007kobansora

I guess I will order that red one then :c


Apr 6, 2007Surfaced

I never saw this auction. Where is it?

Apr 6, 2007adamblock

its a "Buy It Now!" one. i think if you search 'soap shoes' and click the sporting goods tab, it'll be all the way down in the buy it now part. its mixed in with the replaceable grind plates listings.

Apr 6, 2007Surfaced

Oh, the Spin-Cycle shirt. Damn, Keemaz has been trying to sell those for a very long time.

Apr 6, 2007SonicSoaper

Hmmm, I'LL TAKE IT!......maybe.

Apr 6, 2007Mart

I got one of the black ones last summer. Doesn't beat the '[O]' one I got years ago, though

Apr 7, 2007adamblock

its like every soap related thing on ebay has been there forever. like those size 14 MB Tanks, theyre three listings, $65.99 a piece, not counting shipping. :\

Apr 7, 2007kobansora

Overpriced shit sold from that asshole. He fucking bought southernbelt's Goas and sold them for twice the price he payed for.

Somebody buy the Soap wax lol.


Apr 7, 2007Surfaced

I'll buy a couple blocks of it... later....

Apr 7, 2007adamblock

I heard that it's not that good...but I'm no wax conissuer, so....

It looks like a bar of soap, too. How fitting.

Apr 7, 2007kobansora

I was talking about wax with some guy at Zumiez the other week and he said that it doesn't matter what kind of wax you use; Wax is wax.


Apr 7, 2007Surfaced

haha, I don't plan to use it. That shit is really rare. I'd be an idiot to apply it when I've got plenty of common candles and skate wax sitting around.

Apr 7, 2007SonicSoaper

Wax is wax.

Not true. Surf wax is made for sticking qualities unlike skate wax which is for more slick grind. Surf wax does have that slicking effect if used by after many many time of usage, the wax will just start sticking and if you re-apply more you'll just get a big mess.

Apr 7, 2007RamenRadio

Yeah, it like sticks to your grind plate, and gets stuck in the O and stuff like that.

Apr 7, 2007SonicSoaper

All wax does that Travis.

Apr 7, 2007SonicSoaper

Depends how much you put on the rail.

Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

My SOAP wax doesnt

Apr 7, 2007Mart

All wax clumps if you use enough of it

Dude, surf wax is applied to reduce friction between the board and the wave, in the same way that skate wax is designed to reduce friction between the plate and the rail. Surf wax sticks to the board, skate wax sticks to the rail. Wax is wax

Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

Lol, tell that to the EOB, they were using sum "sticky bumps" shit

Try jumping on a rail with that applied, you'll fall flat on your face

Apr 7, 2007SonicSoaper

Nah, it actually works.

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

I'm sure Sam's wax works better though. And as far as a name goes for it, how about Whacked Wax?

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

I really dunno how it worked better because after Travis lost it, Dario found it later that day and it got stuck to his hand

Apr 8, 2007matrix8967

I wanna buy some soap wax...but i'm afraid it'll melt in shipping @_@

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

...No comment.

Apr 8, 2007sam

EVERY skater around here, loves my wax.

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

I wasnt talking about your wax Sam, i was talking about that retarded sticky bumps shit they used to use

Apr 8, 2007Mart

I don't think he was saying that in response to your comment dude

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

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