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Apr 7, 2007 by AnthoFlex

Ok ok ok, im getting a little ahead of myself. But seriously, we are minutes from releasing the new site

The release date was supposed to be last week. The first updated site is Myspace.com/Soapshoes

The reason for delay was that none of the links worked in myspace. We overcame that problem when we realized that having Adobe player 9 was the problem. Flash player 9 has a block for links on myspace pages.

What to do? What to do?! I wanna see that new FLASH site!

Woah, calm down dude, well, heres the solution...

http://download.macromedia.com/pub/flashplayer/updaters/8/flash_player_update3_flash8_win.zip"Right click here, and Save target as to download flash player 8. Extract the files, open up the RELEASE folder and install the Install Flash Player 8 ActiveX file

After that, links will work when you view the new Myspace.com/Soapshoes site

Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

You MAY have to delete Flash Player 9 (if you have it installed already)

Then the links on the new site will work.

This only applies to the new Myspace.com/Soapshoes page

The new Soapshoes.com and SonicandPals will not have this problem.....stupid myspace

Apr 7, 2007Surfaced

Ehh... isn't there some way to disable the block?

Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

No, thats why myspace is sooo godamn retarded.

But its the best way to advertise Soapshoes for now

Apr 7, 2007AnthoFlex

but like i said, the new sites wont have these problems.

But most of the Soapshoes sales are coming from The Soapshoes myspace's publicity. and it could use a make-over, or at least sumthing to make it look more official

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Also, the FLASH site will work regardless whether you have Flash 8 or 9

You just NEED 8 if you wanna click any of the links...for example...

Demo spot pictures, Team info Links, Links tab, The downloads tab, and the Order form will not work when you click on them without Flash 8

everything else:

Tricktionary, Videos, Team tabs, Product tabs will work regardless (because its not affected by the block...(they arent links)

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

When's the new Soap site launching? I just went to the site and it's still the same.

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Tomorrow people....tomorrow

Apr 8, 2007SapAuthor

And soon to come, the new SSS Site, basically the same thing as the one on myspace but with the SSS team sections.

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper


Apr 8, 2007Surfaced

The page looks kind of off to me. Everything is set left, farther than the Window will let me see.

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

Yeah. Might want to fix that.

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Yea, might want to CANT, so everyone enjoy what you see. Everyone knows that myspace is really stupid with being limited on what you can do.

If everything is set TOO far left, get off Mozilla, its fucking gay

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

i just checked my site with mozilla, it SEEMS that everything is to far to the left, but thats the end of it.

Where you "Cant" see is actually the beginning pixel of the flashes, so you arent missing anything

Apr 8, 2007sam

Sick man, sick!

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

Get off Mozilla? How about no since IE sucks balls with it's multiple toolbars and pop-up blockers that don't even work.

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Its the only way its gonna work properly

Apr 8, 2007Surfaced

I tried Netscape also, it has the same problem as FireFox.

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

It did. Looks like there's a team missing on the list but don't worry about it.

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

*I checked it out, not It did

Apr 8, 2007mgm

When is the actual soap site coming?

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

What team is missing?

We only put:

Team Soap

and MGM, patience man, patience

Apr 8, 2007Surfaced

eob isn't there.

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

We've got a winner.

Apr 8, 2007SapAuthor

as for the acutal soap site...there isn't going to be one. After all our work HSL decided they don't want a new soap site, they will add our link but the site will remain the same, with a "soap giveaway" that doesnt work, a store locator that doesn't work, everything pretty much that doesn't work. Stupid HSL >.> I know i say don't hate on them, but this is just a dumb move on their part.

Now we are also finding they changed the express, the new ones in size 10-12 have a scam bottom (no air bubble, lower plates), we are seeing how this effects comfert with them, hopefully it won't make them worse >.>

Apr 8, 2007Surfaced

I knew they would do that in the end.

WOOT I already ordered my Express so I will get an airbag! Cookie time!

Apr 8, 2007Surfaced

In addition to the things you mentioned that don't work, they set up an auto-response system on info@soapshoes.net; if you email them now, it will smack this crap in your face automatically:

Thank you for your interest in SOAP!

Currently we are not manufacturing the SOAP product line, but the following online retailers still have our products in circulation. Please keep in mind that most of these will be smaller sizes, and larger sizes are difficult to locate.


The following retailers ship internationally.


If your interest is grinding, you can also check out the Torch model of the Heelys product line. This versatile model has a grinding plate. See following link.

Again, thank you for writing to us!


Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

Get the fuck out...... What the fuck is that?

Apr 8, 2007RamenRadio

what the fuck is what?

Apr 8, 2007sam

Haha, I got that exact same message.

Apr 8, 2007Rynasty

The scam midsoles are better anyway. They're made of a softer material that in my opinion makes royales feel much better. And that air bubble doesn't make much difference when it comes to shock absorption.

Apr 8, 2007SonicSoaper

Looks like HSL isn't really interested on staying on the ball.

Apr 8, 2007Mart

Antho, if you want to get the message across to the widest possible audience, you'd do well to address the alignment issues in Mozilla-based browsers; the arrogant and cocksure attitude you're displaying at the moment is only going to turn people off. What's missing is a whole lot more than just a pixel or two; everything as far left as the word 'Welcome' is completely hidden, which radically disrupts the viewing experience and will prevent people from using it to its fullest extent. After you guys spent so long on it, is that what you want to do, put people off by not addressing the issue?

Firefox is quickly gaining a larger userbase due to its stability, security and customisability. Also, since Windows Explorer and Internet Explorer are essentially the same application, any security holes in IE will allow someone to compromise your entire system, not just your browser. But anyway, address the alignment issue and everyone will be happy. It'll just be down to some HTML tags you used when editing the profile, so it's by no means a difficult task

Apr 8, 2007AnthoFlex

iight calm down there dude

You have a myspace, and you know how the coding of a myspace page is not very Firefox friendly, so just cool it.

But honestly, ive been around the clock looking for a fix

Apr 8, 2007SapAuthor

I'm takin ga look at it, for some reason no horizontal scroll bar is showing up, that's the problem.

Apr 9, 2007adamblock

yeah like about half the flash dealy where you order Soaps is getting cut off too.

Apr 9, 2007AnthoFlex

its gonna take sum time to fix up people

Apr 13, 2007broox

man, i was thinking that there was a new soapshoes.com that slipped under me or something - bad title!

Apr 13, 2007Mart

Dude, why do you jump on the defensive and tell people to calm down whenever you get any form of crticism? I was perfectly calm when I wrote that; if anything I was mildly irritated at you telling everyone to use a different browser if they want to view what you created. You were the one that blew his hatch and said Mozilla was 'fucking gay'; that, to me, seems a little less of a calm demeanour than that of constructive criticism

Like I said, it will just be some alignment tags that you'll have used that are IE-friendly but not compliant with web standards. Microsoft, as always, have developed their own take on web standards which is why compatibility issues arise. If they just stuck to defined standards then this sort of thing wouldn't happen

Apr 13, 2007SapAuthor

Mart, the problem was in one of hte CSS codes. Myspace is the worst when it comes to sites, since they have special blocker codes, you can't even put the # in without it modifying it so it doens't work. It's a bit off to the right, but it's the only way we can get it to work.

Apr 13, 2007SonicSoaper

It's fixed now so...yay!

Apr 13, 2007AnthoFlex

Im starting to hate myspace....seirously, there is no way to make the IE-ers and the Firefox-ers happy....

godamn myspace and their limited codes. At least the order form still works.

I still dunt like Mozilla, the only thing i like are the tabs.....stupid IE doesnt have tabs, damn you Microsoft!

Apr 13, 2007Mart

Excellent, nice work Trev

Apr 14, 2007Mart

...dude, IE 7 has tabs, and it's been out for months. How come you haven't 'upgraded' yet?

Apr 14, 2007SonicSoaper

And why are people still using IE? Not trying to sound like a firebrand but seriously.

Apr 14, 2007RamenRadio

To stop me from leaving about 6 paragraphs of geek talk, I'm just going to point it out. For one thing, AJ is right. IE is probably the worst browser. However, Mart, what in gods name are you talking about security? I've seen several survays about people saying they had a lot more viruses than when they used IE. Maybe your right Mart, since they were taken before the update for firefox. And as for the soap shoes myspace not being seen clearly on firefox, I'd have to disagree. The soap shoes myspace wouldn't even load on my safari browser. However, when I switched to a Mozilla browser, it worked perfectly. So Mart, I have no clue what the hell you are talking about.

btw Renny, did anyone look into the page not loading on a safari browser?

Apr 14, 2007RamenRadio

LMFAO, I'd never think you would say damn you to microsoft.

Apr 14, 2007AnthoFlex


1. Ive tried upgrading, my computer doesnt let me....even with SP2....oh well

2. Nice work Trev ONLY? Me and Trev worked on those sites non-stop for about a month and a half

All of the Graphics were by me

All of the coding was Trev

Me and Trev are unstoppable hahahaha

Apr 14, 2007RamenRadio

Hey hey hey, Renny, I can help you wout with upgrading, okay? Just because I own a mac doesn't mean I don't fool around with windows. What do you need upgraded? Operating system? RAM upgrade? just ask me sometime.

Apr 15, 2007Mart

I'm talking about system security in general; viruses will come onto your system no matter what browser you use because browsers to not have integrated virus protection. If you re-read my comment, you'll understand what I was talking about

Antho, I was saying 'nice work' to Trev for fixing the alignment issue. As you just said, he did all the coding, so thanking you for something you didn't do would be a little odd

Try Firefox out for a while dude; as you say, you like the tabbed browsing, plus you can get so so many add-ins for Firefox that make it a heck of a lot more useful and powerful than IE

Apr 15, 2007AnthoFlex

Oh man, haha, we both got it wrong if you were talking about the alignment. I meant the coding for WITHIN the Flash itself. Me and him worked for hours trying to work with alignment HTML coding... Myspace HTML rules are strict as hell, i swear, i'm starting to hate it....but yet, like i've said before, its still one of the best ways to advertise SOAP on the internet


Ive been using firefox for a little over a day now....i guess its pretty cool, i just hate the way it morphs Solidgrind....or maybe its just me....

Apr 15, 2007Mart

I just checked this very page out in IE and it looks awful; the comments column is all stretched out cause of that link you posted up at the top, and it looks naaasty, haha

Apr 15, 2007AnthoFlex

yea....thats what happened when you get one of those long "WHOOOOOO" comments, yea, i guess Firefox is better, i think what pissed me off was that like every 5 minutes theres an update....its funny, it makes me think the Firefox nerds have nothing to do but update little things every 5 minutes but you know what? The freeze (or crash) ratio (if i used that correctly) for IE and Firefox is more in favor of IE....MEANING....Microsoft is losing their edge o.O haha

Apr 15, 2007Zhowulf

If you want to try something else, try Opera browser, it's pretty much the same as firefox, and occasionally renders sites better (and sometimes worse). And it has a bunch of built in stuff that you need extensions for in firefox.

Apr 15, 2007SonicSoaper

I'll stick with Firefox. If I have to use Opera, I'll stick to the browser on my Wii.
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