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Question about T-Shirts
Apr 9, 2007 by Ohanzee

Hey Guys,

So I was lookin Around for a Soap Shirt. Well... I didnt find any, so i pulled out my Photoshop CS2 and decided to create my own. However... I do not know if this is legal to create my own because of the copyrighted logo on it. if you have any information if i can create this shirt for my own use, Please leave a reply.

Here is the shirt.

Apr 9, 2007Ohanzee

P.S. I'm not selling it.

Apr 9, 2007AnthoFlex

Its not illegal. HSL isnt gonna bust you for advertising their product and making them money

Apr 9, 2007Ohanzee

ok cool. Thx Antho.

Apr 13, 2007Mart

It's only illegal if you attempt to profit from it. Making one shirt for yourself is fine, just as long as you don't start taking orders from your buddies for them

Apr 13, 2007AnthoFlex

Werd. I have this custom shirt for Soap and im still kicking myself in the ass for not putting the O somewhere...

It was back then when i didnt know you COULDNT get sued for that. But now i know...oh well, its still a sick shirt
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