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Got my shoes!
Apr 16, 2007 by Joshua3109

I finaly got my Express shoes and I am stoked. I was wondering what I should start practising grinding on though. I had a steel pipe set up outside but it was all wet and had grass and junk sticking to it so I never slid all that well down it. Any tips on getting started?

Apr 16, 2007Joshua3109

O,what should I use for wax?

Apr 16, 2007Surfaced

Candles work well and are cheap.

Apr 16, 2007Joshua3109


Apr 16, 2007matrix8967

i practiced on a steel pipe at first too...then i found an old balance beam at a local playground that was like ankle height and had what i call "oh shit rails" incase i fell...
PVC pipe is good too, but after a while ur plate and the PVC sorta exchange plastic and it gets sorta friction-y so you gotta hit some rails to smooth them out. also, since you have Express, i'd drag my plate across any curbs before i soaped them...if you need anymore help, let us know. we'll take care of ya


Apr 16, 2007Joshua3109

ok, thanks its good to know haha

Apr 17, 2007Joshua3109

Ok, I NEED some tips here. there are these waist height rails at my local mall and they look GODLY for grinding because they are long and smooth but I don't know how to get up on them without killing myself. Any tips?

Apr 17, 2007AnthoFlex

Start low dude, dunt stress it, when you get good, show them high rails whoes boss! ; )

Apr 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

i put a plastic pipe on the floor when i started off on soaps, jumping on rails was difficult at first, so the pipe helped alot

Apr 18, 2007Zhowulf

Argh. I'm still waiting for mine...stupid international delivery times...

Apr 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

hell yea i waited all last week for my shoes, and on thursday when they came i wasnt home, so i did not get them, i was furious and had to go pick them up the next day
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Greg Morris hittin a Farfegnugen
Mart hittin a Royale on one of the huge rails at Beaumont School, St Albans
Dude sliding a rail on the Soap Van at the Summer Slam demo
Aaron Taraboletti hittin a stickin a backslide
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