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Maroon 5 and Soap shoes?
Apr 18, 2007 by SpiderSoaper

if you go to the following link:

Maroon 5's new video has a Soap logo, atleast thats what i believe, just pause the video at 2:12, look at that metal thing, looks to be the Soap logo carved or somthing


Apr 18, 2007adamblock

Maroon 5 and Soap shoes should never be mentioned in the same passage ever again. lol...

With that being said, yeah it does look extremely similar to the soap logo....

Apr 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

never really listen to them myself, the only reason i heard this song was beacause of the KCA about to weeks ago, it makes me wonder why the logo is there in the first place

Apr 18, 2007Surfaced

Oh snap.

But the Soap "O" trademark is slanted to the right. So its not exactly the same.

Apr 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

just wat the hell do Maroon 5 have to do with soap?

Apr 18, 2007cherryman696966

it does look like it allright

Apr 18, 2007Surfaced

They have no connection whatsoever. I think what we are seeing here is pure coincidence in product placement. Whatever that device is with that "O", the people who make it have a very similar logo to that of Soap. Now if only we knew what that device was....

Also, this is sort of irrelevant, but earlier tonight I was watching House (medical drama) with my sister, and this horny little 8-year-old was speeding down a hallway in the clinic... in Torches.

God damn Heelys.

Apr 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

damn i luuuuvs dat show, i dont mind kids with heelys, because i believe that heelys r aimed for young kids and Soaps for teens, i just hate the heelys with the plates, hehe, he sayed horny little 8 year old girl

Apr 18, 2007Surfaced

it was actually a boy, and he was horny because he stared at and squeezed a grown woman's rear. =/

Apr 18, 2007AnthoFlex

Haha, wow a Soap "O"

But yea, its just a coinsidence. Look at the ecko logo, i drew a Soap "O" on my desk at school and some person in the next class wrote ECKO next to it.

What a hypbeast

Apr 18, 2007pepsi

heh, it does look like the soap O..but it's a bit bigger than ones i've seen :P

Apr 18, 2007SonicSoaper

I've notcied the Ecko logo too. I think they ripped off Soap.

Apr 18, 2007Surfaced


Apr 18, 2007SonicSoaper

Nope what? Nope that they didn't rip off Soap? Let's analyze my senstence for a second. The phrase I think is in there, thus stating an opinion and not a fact. This reply sounds like I'm mad but I'm not, just trying to get future aggrevation out of the way.

Apr 18, 2007Surfaced

"Nope what? Nope that they didn't rip off Soap?"

Correct. Ecko had the rhino in the oval a few years before Soap shoes were invented.

Apr 18, 2007sam

Haha, it likes almost exactly like the soap O.

Apr 18, 2007AnthoFlex

Also, a gameinformer magazine i saw had the title: GameInfOrmer (The bolded O being the Soap O)

And they werent ripping anyone off, it was almost identical to the Soap O, but i think it was to represent a crosshair for a shooting game that was on the cover

Apr 18, 2007SpiderSoaper

oh well i never noticed that so many similar things out there looked like soap logos..... AnthoFlex...... i remember that name now, i was messeaging u on myspace once, sorry if i was being bothersome bro

Apr 19, 2007adamblock

Hey if you take the number zero and cut four pieces out of it and kick it over a little, you get the soap logo.

i think we should ban #0 forever.


Apr 19, 2007AnthoFlex

SpiderSoaper, you never bothered me (even though i cant remember you)

Noone bothers or annoys me when they ask me Soap questions.

1. I love to answer any questions for people about Soapshoes

2. I'm head of promotion for the Soap shop, its my job, and i love doing it ; )

So anyone who got questions for me, lay it on meh lol

Apr 19, 2007AnthoFlex

also, i think you were the one who said you might not make it to the dmeo cause you live in Jersey...right?

Dude, we got people coming from Connecticut, Long Island, and Buffalo NY (SUPER FAR). I think if you wanted to, you could make it as well. Especially since NY transit goes a lot with NJ transit. The dudes from CT are headed here in car, thats brutal, lol

But its all worth it....Soap Demo, Soap, demo, Demo for Soap, Soap for demo, hahaha

Apr 19, 2007SpiderSoaper

yea, u remembered, well i didnt say i couldnt go, but i'll think about it, and the date is not exactly known, so thats why i said that, i have different ways of transportation, so anyways jus keep us all uptdated on the date of the demo, thanks

Apr 19, 2007AnthoFlex

i already said May 26th...lol

Trev is gonna put up the demo page i made tomorrow, so keep an eye out for it

Apr 19, 2007SpiderSoaper

oh, i thought i was bothering u on selling me ur soaps, but i can see that u really dont want to since they are hard to find

Apr 19, 2007SpiderSoaper

i didnt know u finally agreed on that date, i must have missed it, thanks

Apr 19, 2007cherryman696966

so i definitly think u guys should film the demo for those of us who live to far away. like me, i live in north Carolina during the school year and in Miami rest of the time. i'm getting as much soap awareness as possible, my roommate will be getting a pair soon, but its hard when theres no1 else out here.

Apr 19, 2007SpiderSoaper

i heard that they were going to film it

Apr 19, 2007AnthoFlex

yea, we are gonna film all of it and put it on the internet

Apr 21, 2007rhinoskater30

k good cuz im in texas, the only way im comin up there is if my cousin needs us er somethin

just in case... hes got red hair and works for pillsbury by selling stuff to bakeries like dough and this wont help but he lives in by battery park
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